A diverse group of course participants from Amberg and the neighboring districts started the commercial qualification to become an accounting specialist on February 24, 2014. The participants were trained primarily in the various areas of accounting. In addition, the acquired accounting knowledge could be deepened and later routinely implemented through practical work with the leading industry programs DATEV, SAP R/3 and LEXWARE. The ISE language and vocational training center has already successfully carried out this commercial qualification several times with the well-known Nuremberg training provider Control Data Training GmbH.
The newly qualified accounting specialists received a lot of praise for their diligent teaching participation and good results from ISE managing director Peter Blendowski, course leader Angela Scheibeck and employment agent Helmut Albrecht. Manuela Luber, team leader of the employment agency at the Amberg employment agency, also took time to hand over the certificates and congratulated the participants on their good to very good performance and wished the graduates all the best for the future.
The certificates and certificates obtained will definitely enhance any application portfolio and help you to be (more) attractive to the job market through comprehensive qualifications in the accounting field. It is very pleasing that several participants were able to start work immediately after the internship. For some other participants, the decision is still pending as to whether they can be hired in the next few weeks.
For five months there was a lot of cramming and studying hard, but also a lot of laughter. The good cooperation in the class community certainly also contributed to the good atmosphere in the course - as well as to the good performance results.
We wish the very well-trained accounting specialists all the best for their professional and personal future and will continue to support them with advice and support. Even after the course officially ends, the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center will help participants find a job.