“Before you give up, remember why you started.”

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ISE Sprach- & Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH

Job-related language course with target language level C1

Educational content

The C1 course includes 300 teaching units and aims to reach language level C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ​​(CEFR). Language lessons have a general, job-related focus. The course ends with a certificate exam.

Financial support:

The courses are financed from federal budget resources. Participation is free of charge. Exception: Employees must pay a cost contribution in the amount of: Pay 50% of the reimbursement rate.

target group

The professional language courses build on the integration courses. They serve advanced language acquisition in order to improve opportunities on the job and training market. The professional language courses are aimed at foreigners living permanently in Germany (in particular: asylum seekers with good prospects of staying), at Union citizens and at German nationals who do not have sufficient German language skills. Children, teenagers and young adults who are still attending school are not allowed to take part.


The following entry requirements exist for participation in the job-related language courses in accordance with Section 45a of the Residence Act:

  • Completed integration course and/or German language skills at A1, A2, B1, B2 or C1 level according to the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). In order to attend the courses with target language levels A2 and B1, you must first attend an integration course including passing a German test for immigrants.
  • People with a migration background and a need for further language training who are registered as looking for work
  • and/or receive benefits according to SGB II (Hartz IV) or SGB III (unemployment benefit).
  • Trainees or those seeking training with a migration background and need for further language training
  • People with a migration background and a need for further linguistic qualification who are going through the recognition process for their professional or training qualifications
  • Migration background includes:
    • Immigrants, including refugees, who are in the recognition process and have good prospects of staying (the latter applies especially to the four countries of origin: Syria, Iran, Iraq and Eritrea). Refugees from safe countries of origin are excluded.
    • EU citizens,
    • Germans with a migration background

Degree type:

  • After successfully completing the general job-related courses A2, B1, B2, C1 or C2 (language test), the participant receives a certificate according to the GER from the provider. If participation was not successful, the participant will receive a certificate of the actual result achieved in the final test.
  • After successfully completing a course with a subject-specific focus, the participant receives proof of the job-specific language skills they have acquired from the provider.
  • After successfully completing a course with technical language for the recognition of professional qualifications, the participant receives a certificate from the provider. If participation was not successful, the participant will receive a certificate of the actual result achieved in the final test.


The nationwide job-related German language support according to Section 45a Residence Act is aimed at people of working age with German as a second language and access to the labor market who want to improve their general and/or job-related German skills as part of a professional perspective. The overarching goal of job-related German language support is the rapid and sustainable integration of participants into the labor market or into further education and training institutions by creating or maintaining training and employability skills.

Link for additional information

Maximum number of participants:

Next course date and location:

  • June 11, 2018 – September 3, 2018, Kaiser-Ludwig-Ring 9, 92224 Amberg (post building)
  • 0October 1, 2018 – January 9, 2019, Kaiser-Ludwig-Ring 9, 92224 Amberg (post building)
  • Further dates will be announced later.

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