“You often see something a hundred times, a thousand times, before you really see it for the very first time.”

Christian Morgenstern

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ISE Sprach- & Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH

Flash in the pan or trend reversal

At the private employment agency at the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center, there are increasing signs that the job market in the Amberg-Sulzbach district is looking up again. “I have received a lot of inquiries,” says Albrecht, Head of Private Employment Services at ISE. But this is just a flash in the pan, a temporary trend reversal or even the end of the economic crisis in our region? Nobody will have a definitively correct answer to this. Anyone who currently wants to work and has learned and practiced a skilled trade has a good chance of ending unemployment soon.

Full order books

The construction industry in the Amberg-Sulzbach district and the neighboring districts is booming, as it has not been for many years. While in the past there were years in which smaller building contractors only received feedback on 20 percent of the offers issued and had to be happy when they received these orders, today it is exactly different. “So far this year I have written 25 offers and received 23 orders,” said the owner of a small roof construction company in an interview with Mr. Schobert, “that could not have been expected.” Many small business owners feel the same way as the roof construction company mentioned. But other sectors, such as the sanitary industry, are also very busy. Various employees of a medium-sized sanitation company told ISE that they could “work until they drop.” There is certainly a desire among employees and company management to increase their workforce, but unfortunately these companies find it very difficult to find qualified specialist staff. In addition, no one can predict whether this is just a temporary peak in orders or whether this higher level of utilization will stabilize in the long term among companies in the region.

From A to Z

From laborers to roofers to plumbers and carpenters – many doors are currently opening for all job seekers with training. Even in the automotive industry, which has been hit so hard, ISE is again receiving personnel inquiries from the Schwandorf and Regensburg regions. “Flexibility, motivation and down-to-earthness are key,” says Helmut Albrecht. Admittedly, many inquiries come from various personnel service providers, but many companies simply don't allow you to get into various fields of work. But the small roofing company (mentioned above) is also considering whether a temporary worker might be the best alternative for them. Anyone who dares to get started through a personnel service provider and works well and reliably can end up in the same situation as a temporary worker from Schwandorf: who came to a sanitary company due to order bottlenecks and was taken on to a permanent, permanent job after three months employment relationship.

ISE course participants

Many of the further training courses that ISE carries out on behalf of the Federal Employment Agency are linked to one or more internships. “Use the internship as a springboard! Present yourself to the company in your best form, show interest,” Max Schobert repeatedly urges the course participants, “because an internship has often led to a later employment relationship in the past.”

Are you looking for work? Give us a call! 09621-786812 (Private employment agency ISE)

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