“Life is a puzzle; you have to solve it in order to experience many facets of it.”

Pascal Hilgendorf

Please also visit our nursing school
ISE Sprach- & Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH

Cooking event in the professional field of gastronomy – got a taste for it?

Participants in the FOKUS “Career and Work” measure experienced teamwork in the catering sector.

...imparting specialist skills and professional qualifications in the industrial, commercial and nursing sectors... that's the description of the FOKUS measure on our flyer.
The implementation of the mediation takes place in different ways. In the area of ​​gastronomy, insights into the service area, housekeeping and the kitchen were gained.

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“Light a Light” – more than just lessons

Die Teilnehmer der Projektgruppe in der Maßnahme “Fokus BERUF & ARBEIT” stellt ihre Ergebnisse vor.

In a joint project, the FOKUS Group made an individual candle. Candles are a symbol. They not only give light, but also inner peace and contentment. They strengthen our own faith, no matter what we call it.

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Retraining to become a freight forwarding and logistics services clerk (IHK)

If you want to make a difference? Merchant for forwarding and logistics services

If you don't want to spend a boring day at work, but want to make sure that something gets done, then a career as a freight forwarding and logistics services clerk is exactly the right thing for you. The job market prospects for those who complete this retraining are also comparatively excellent.

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Qualification in warehouse logistics

This year, the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center, in cooperation with the Amberg and Sulzbach-Rosenberg employment agency, is once again carrying out a measure to impart specialist skills and professional qualifications in warehouse logistics on a full-time basis. The course is specifically designed for people who would like to qualify in the warehouse and logistics sector in order to gain a professional foothold in this area later. The qualification in warehouse logistics takes place in Sulzbach-Rosenberg and includes a very varied and practice-oriented program. Among other things, professional qualifications are imparted in various areas of warehouse logistics. Forklift training is mandatory. An introduction to IT is still part of the course. The course program is rounded off by a four-week internship in which the participants can apply the specialist knowledge they have learned so far in practice. The ISE employment agent H. Albrecht will help with internship and job searches during the measure.

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Imparting knowledge of automotive technology

Erstmalig führt das ISE Sprach- und Berufsbildungszentrum in Kooperation mit der Maxhütte Technologie GmbH & Co. KG eine Kenntnisvermittlung in der Kfz-Technik in Sulzbach-Rosenberg durch. Die Bildungsmaßnahme ist speziell auf den Personenkreis der Flüchtlinge und Migranten konzipiert. Im Rahmen der Maßnahme kann jeder Teilnehmer grundlegende Sprachkenntnisse im berufsbezogenen Deutsch erwerben und sich einen soliden Grundwortschaft in der Kfz-Branche aneignen. Praktische Unterweisungen werden in einer Kfz-Werkstätte durchgeführt werden.

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Practical professional qualification in warehouse logistics with forklift training, basic IT course and job-related language training

Warehouse course, forklift driver’s license, IT and language course – ISE makes it possible

A company-internal forklift driver's license is of little use on the job market, but the forklift driver's license that you can acquire with this course is of far more use! The target group for this qualification is job seekers who are registered with the Federal Employment Agency and need such further training to increase their professional opportunities. Another target group are unskilled, unemployed and older workers and, most recently, skilled workers who would like to expand their qualifications after the WeGebAU program in order to secure their job!

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Specialist in accounting with SAP ERP Financials

SAP software is being used successfully in more and more companies. Get to know the versatility of this software.

Every year, the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center Amberg conducts the qualification in cooperation with the renowned Nuremberg cooperation partner CDT Control Data Training GmbH Specialist in accounting with SAP ERP Financials through.
Participants receive extensive specialist knowledge of accounting for the use of SAP. Many helpful tricks for complex software are shown. Such a qualification with SAP certification adds enormous value to the profile of every job seeker.

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Want more joy in life? Advice – support – support

The ISE Language and Vocational Training Center is now offering a coaching measure to compensate for imbalances in individual life situations. A personal coach from ISE will provide you with psychosocial advice, support and support in dealing with personal life situations and other relevant obstacles. Registration – if you belong to the eligible group of people – is initially done via your employment agent or case manager at the job center. In this case you will not incur any costs. In total, the accompanying care can be used for three or six months. You will find that you can get many problems under control through strategic action and competent coaching - this increases motivation and joy in life, and new and perhaps long-awaited goals are now within reach.

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