On the mountain. (usc) The trainers at the ISE language and vocational training center paid the utmost respect to the eleven successful participants in the retraining program in the training occupation of warehouse logistics specialist and to the seven men and women who passed the IHK final examination in the profession of “warehouse specialist”. The proportion of people with a migrant background here was almost 80 percent.
Restart successful - return to normal operations in times of Corona successful
The ISE - like all other teaching companies in Germany - was forced to completely stop face-to-face teaching overnight in mid-March of this year due to the corona pandemic.
New solutions had to be found quickly and not only presented the teaching and administrative staff of the ISE with previously unthinkable and completely unexpected challenges, but also the course participants in the following tough tests.
Home schooling – lessons take place in digital teaching format
Due to the current exceptional situation regarding the corona pandemic, face-to-face teaching is currently suspended in our educational institution. Like everywhere else in our country, this situation came to us at very short notice.
Currently, almost all of our participants are provided with teaching material via the in-house educational server of the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center in Amberg or via other media (e-mail, Skype, etc.).
A seven-month course “Focus – Career and Work” with three-month internships prepares people with a migration background for real life in Germany.

On the mountain. (usc) The course participants selected by the job center acquire basic, job-related German skills full-time at the ISE language and vocational training center and receive a basic qualification in the industrial, commercial and nursing sectors. The chances of placement are good, as was shown at the last course completion.
Very good grades in the German test for immigrants

On the mountain. (usc) If each of the course participants had spoken in their native language at the graduation ceremony of the ISE integration course, there would have been a Babylonian confusion of languages. But 21 men and women showed that they can communicate quite well with each other in German. ISE Education Officer Peter Blendowski was full of praise for the predominantly very good results in the language test.
Very good career prospects for nursing staff

On the mountain. (usc) It takes a lot of energy to get back on track in your professional life, even after a long period of unemployment. 13 women and two men persevered for nine months and ultimately passed the exam to become nursing assistants at the ISE Language and Education Center. Including four single mothers.
Reduce the shortage of skilled workers in the hospitality industry with ISE

On the mountain. (usc) There is a shortage of staff in the hotel and restaurant industry. Job centers, employment agencies and the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center Amberg want to remedy this with special courses for job seekers. Ten men and women have now successfully undergone an examination after basic training.
Valuable help for integration

Integration into the previously foreign Germany and into an employment relationship subject to social insurance contributions is the aim of the special educational measures “Focus on Career and Work” at the ISE language and vocational training center for people with a migration background. The job center takes over the financing.
Newly qualified accounting specialists look forward to good career prospects

A very happy event, especially in view of the predominantly excellent examination results, was the awarding of the final certificates in the qualification to become an accounting specialist, which took place in Amberg through the cooperation of the educational providers ISE Language and Vocational Training Center and CDT Nuremberg. During the approximately seven months, the participants were trained very intensively in the disciplines of accounting, financial accounting with the industry software DATEV and Lexware and financial accounting with SAP R/3. With the ISE/CDT certificate, participants receive further proof of qualifications for their application documents. Some participants have already been able to sign an employment contract.
Nursing assistant profession with a future

On the mountain. (usc) The European Social Fund (ESF) promotes reintegration into the labor market at great financial expense. 22 women and men are currently taking part in a nine-month training course to become nursing assistants at the ISE Language and Education Center in Amberg. There are very good career prospects.