“Having patience is a virtue – demanding patience is a desire – losing patience is a failure.”

Helmut Glaßl

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ISE Sprach- & Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH

Further training employees during short-time work

The economic crisis is spreading widely and many companies in the region are being forced to apply for short-time work. For affected companies, the Federal Employment Agency and the European Social Fund offer financial support to further train and qualify employees during the short-time work phase. The advantages for employers who think long-term are obvious: with a better order situation, these employers have a more highly qualified workforce and emerge stronger from the current economic crisis.

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Integration grant – EGZ

Are you planning to hire a new employee? The employer service of the Federal Employment Agency can provide financial subsidies for new hires under certain conditions. Whether and to what extent an integration grant can be granted must be checked individually.

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Recruitment of trainees for employers

Job search
The ISE supports applicants in their job search

The selection of new trainees is always a time-consuming process that has to be managed at the same time as everyday tasks. Our professional employment agents take the most time-consuming steps of the selection process off your hands and – if requested – carry out professional interviews with you. Finally, if you wish, you will receive a recommendation from the ISE staff. Important: you make the final decision about who can do training with you!

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Present successfully

Every day you present yourself to those around you and it doesn't matter whether this is private or professional. Your presentations will sometimes be better and sometimes worse received by your audience. But successful presentations set the course for your success, especially in the professional sector!

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ISE management

partner The ISE Sprach- und Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH is Ms. Eva Weber, a qualified mathematician.
For the Managing Director Peter Blendowski, a qualified economist, and Eva Weber, a qualified mathematician, are appointed.

Die Substitute The management is Mr. Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. Roland Domogalla and Mr. Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. (FH) Richard Kirschner divided.