“A person’s only real enemies are their own negative thoughts.”

Albert Einstein

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ISE Sprach- & Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH

Newspaper article about the ISE

Newspapers write about the ISE
ISE in der Zeitung
The ISE Sprach- und Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH also has a permanent place in the regional press. Here you will find a variety of newspaper articles about ISE Sprach- und Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH from 2003 to 2009. Click on the titles and read the reports online!

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Innovations in integration courses from July 1, 2009

Innovations in integration course examinations from July 1, 2009

multikulti-deutschThe ISE integration course participants benefit even more from the experience of the ISE language teachers through a change in examinations for integration courses. Immigrants have been our customers for 20 years. With this experience, the ISE German teachers can prepare course participants even more effectively for the final exams of integration courses.

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Asked Mr. Herwig – Federal Office for Migration and Refugees

“The BAMF does not run any courses itself, but rather has selected qualified educational institutions for this task through a strict approval process.”
Jens Herwig, regional coordinator from the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees

Mr. Herwig, regional coordinator of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees, speaks in an interview with ISE about integration courses, the BAMF and funding opportunities for graduates.

ISE: What is the BAMF?
Mr. Herwig:
BAMF stands for

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Asked Mr. Elsner

Franz Elsner, head of the Amberg employment agency

Qualified employees urgently needed

Mr. Franz Elsner, head of the Federal Employment Agency in Amberg, speaks in an interview with ISE about the regional effects of the economic crisis and the qualification of job seekers at educational institutions in the Amberg-Sulzbach district.

Mr. Elsner, you are a trained power electrician. When and why did you decide to pursue a career at the Federal Employment Agency?

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Joachim Ossmann on 20 years of ISE

Joachim Ossmann

“A good professional qualification is the best insurance against unemployment.”

Mr. Joachim Ossmann, Chairman of the Management Board of the Schwandorf Employment Agency, thanks the management and teachers of the ISE for their high level of commitment. Mr. Ossmann also sees the ISE's strong contacts with the local economy as an important success factor in job placement.

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Open training courses


Training and course offerings also extend beyond the local borders of Amberg and Sulzbach-Rosenberg!

In addition to job seekers, there are now also a lot of people Private individualsISE customers who want to acquire or improve language skills or who would like to receive further training in computer programs.

But companies have also increasingly contacted the ISE

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New ISE website

Many innovations on the ISE website!

In addition to course descriptions and important information about our range of services, you will now also find various free services on the new ISE website Download area. Of course, this includes information materials on training, courses and qualifications for public clients. But also various patterns relating to the topic of applications.

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