“You often see something a hundred times, a thousand times, before you really see it for the very first time.”

Christian Morgenstern

Please also visit our nursing school
ISE Sprach- & Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH

Application documents – TopAktuell

When looking for a new job or training position, your application documents are the first impression you make on your potential new employer. To make this impression as good as possible, there are a few things you should keep in mind.

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Nursing assistant proud of new profession

Nursing assistant – responsibility and perseverance

Despite the economic crisis, the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center was able to congratulate 60 percent of the participants on an employment contract subject to social insurance contributions before the course ended. “But the remaining course participants will also be able to be integrated into the job market very soon,” says Dorothea Prechtl, course leader of the nursing course.

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Apply differently

Different from all Others!

Draw the attention of potential employers to you as a new employee with professionally prepared application documents. In this course you will learn to optimize your application documents so that your application is “different”.

New content includes: Creating a Motivationsprofils, interview training with Video analysis, etc.

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Suitability assessment and qualification: Care worker in nursing homes

Carers in accordance with Section 87 b Paragraph 3 SGB XI

Nursing assistant and domestic helper
Source: S. Hofschlaeger / pixelio.de

People in need of care with dementia-related impairments, mental illnesses or intellectual disabilities usually have a significant general need for supervision and care. The legal regulation is intended to create the financial basis for hiring additional staff in fully inpatient care facilities. For many job seekers, this opens up a new opportunity to find a job that is subject to social security contributions.

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Carers with work

Caregivers successfully trained again

The management of the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center is rightly proud of the work of its lecturers in the nursing sector: in times of economic crisis, it is worthy of honor to know that half of the course participants are already employed before the end of the course. In addition, this was not the first successful qualification to become a carer in accordance with Section 87b SGB

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New ISE center

The center of the ISE in Amberg

Managing director Peter Blendowski happily informed the ISE employees in December 2009 that the ISE language and vocational training center would be moving into new premises at the beginning of this year. In order not to bring ongoing lessons to a standstill, the move will not take place all at once, but will be carried out gradually. “The new premises are centrally located and modernly equipped. “In addition, the infrastructural situation for the course participants and ISE employees couldn’t be better,” concluded Blendowski.

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job interview

Take this hurdle!

A job interview is always a stressful situation! Are you nervous and don't know what to expect? Do you want to gain security and prepare specifically? Train possible situations with our professional application trainer! You will receive valuable tips and learn a lot about what lies behind the questions you are asked!

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