Linux is a modular operating system that is being further developed by software developers around the world. Non-profit organizations as well as individuals and companies are involved. In practice, so-called Linux distributions are usually used. Various software has been put together into a finished package. Each of these distributions contains Linux or the Linux kernel.
MS Office Outlook 2007/2010 – Crashkurs
Learn to use the most important functions of Microsoft Outlook in a crash course. Coordinate your appointments and manage the addresses of your contacts. Of course, this is not all of the content of this course!
MS Office Outlook 2007/2010
Microsoft Office Outlook is the most widely used communication program with a wide range of possible applications. Used effectively, Outlook offers enormous relief in organizing work processes, coordinating appointments, etc.
MS Office PowerPoint 2007/2010 – Slide Show
An individual and professional presentation is also characterized by the fact that it is structured. Organize your presentation for specific audiences by determining which slides are shown to which audience. Make sure you fine-tune your time correctly and use the possibilities of animated slide transitions professionally.
MS Office PowerPoint 2007/2010 – Tailor-made templates
Learn to prepare numbers and texts visually in the graphic presentation program. Use master slides and various templates to fine-tune your individual presentation!
Pulling together – ISE is participating in the inter-communal alliance for migration
The district of Amberg-Sulzbach and the city of Amberg are campaigning for migration in an inter-municipal alliance
The Amberg-Sulzbach district and the city of Amberg would like to carry out more efficient integration work for people with an integration background - even more than before. For this purpose, the intermunicipal alliance for migration was founded in the district office in 2001. The Amberg-Sulzbach district and the city of Amberg would like to coordinate the integration work they are already doing more closely, use common synergies and network their activities more closely with one another.
THE END IS JUST THE BEGINNING!!! – Computer driving license start
The course ended on December 10th after half a year “Qualification in the commercial and industrial sector with a computer driving license“. A course that was special in many ways. On the one hand, with only 8 participants, it was a very small - but as the saying goes - nice course.
Does the world fit into the classroom?
And whether! 20 course participants from 13 nations learned and laughed together, spoke and wrote, doubted their successes and experienced wonderful moments of success during the integration course at the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center in Amberg. The first visit to the doctor without an escort or a visit to an authority without an interpreter are milestones on the path to social participation in our country. And for the language course participants, it is very tangible evidence of their learning progress.
Workshops MS Office – individual company training
Most of the errors that a normal computer makes happen about 50 centimeters in front of the screen. If you plan to reduce your error rate or that of your employees, then you should find out more about the computer courses “ISE Workshops in MS Office”. These computer courses from the area of corporate training are extremely tailored to your requirements and wishes.
Turn mistakes into successes!