“Making people great doesn’t mean treating them the way they want to be treated. It means treating them so that they develop.”

Boris Grundl

Please also visit our nursing school
ISE Sprach- & Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH

Our administration has moved to Kaiser-Ludwig-Ring 9

In order to provide our customers with an even better service in the area of ​​training, further education and training, we have expanded and positioned our premises near the train station.

In order to be able to offer all services “from a single source”, we have our language and vocational training center on site

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Integration course participants were successful

There was also reason to be happy at the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center on Friday, February 8th, 2013: The course participants were presented with certificates for the successful completion of the integration course in Amberg. The German language course began on May 29, 2012 and was successfully completed on January 10, 2013 with the orientation course on the topic of Germany.

Managing director Peter Blendowski from the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center congratulated the course participants on their good results. The aim of the course, namely to prepare immigrants to participate equally in life in Germany, was achieved. Mr. Rohrer from the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees pointed out that only good language skills can ensure success on the job market.

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Language crash courses

Would you like to refresh or expand your foreign language skills as part of a crash course? Then you are exactly right here! You can also use these crash courses to specifically eliminate language weaknesses, for example in some areas of grammar.

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English – LCCI

Given the ever-increasing globalization and internationalization of companies, knowledge of English is often a basic requirement for a job! The main focus here is on training participants in English with a focus on business. The creation of standard business correspondence is also part of this qualification. The LCCI certificate is the English certificate from the IHK London, the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

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Education voucher

bgHolders of an education voucher can continue their education free of charge at ISE. Please note the general conditions applicable to education vouchers:

Since January 1, 2003, new legal regulations (First and Second Law for Modern Services on the Labor Market) to promote further vocational training provide that employees can receive an education voucher if they meet the relevant requirements for further training and further education.

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Company history

In the years 1987 to 1989, Mr Walter Ringer as a German teacher teaching immigrants from Eastern Europe. During this activity he complained several times that simply learning the German language was not enough. Our new fellow citizens are confronted with a completely new culture; They need support with official procedures, looking for accommodation, etc.

Mr. Ringer wanted to provide his protégés with this support beyond teaching the language and founded the company in 1989 Institute for Language and Enculturation.

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Conversation management

Seminar content:

Through this seminar, which is held by the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center, you will learn how to conduct conversations in a positive and persuasive manner, how to use conversation management techniques and how to actively structure conversations.

  • What “ears” do people use to hear?
  • “Active listening” and non-verbal communication
  • Phases in the conversation
  • Structuring short meetings, employee discussions and criticism discussions

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