From March to October 2014, participants from 15 countries took part in the integration course at the ISE language and vocational training center in Amberg. The lessons not only taught the basics of the German language, but also practiced speaking on a daily basis.
In the “Life in Germany” course, which took place after the integration course, the participants received a lot of information about politics, history, education, work and the social system in the Federal Republic of Germany.
Elasto form KG opens its doors to ISE course participants
Elasto form KG shows interested ISE training participants its production secrets – ISE retrainees and participants explore promotional products and advertising materials manufacturer Elastoform
Sulzbach-Rosenberg. Für 15 Teilnehmer der neuen Umschulung im Ausbildungsberuf Fachkraft für Lagerlogistik in Amberg und des Aktivierungslehrgangs O&A in Sulzbach-Rosenberg gestaltete sich der Unterrichtstag am Dienstag, 07.10.2014 sehr abwechslungs- und lehrreich. Gut gelaunt unter milden Herbsttemperaturen brachen die Umschüler und Kursteilnehmer unter Begleitung des ISE-Arbeitsvermittlers und –Praktikumsbetreuers Helmut Albrecht zur Betriebsbesichtigung bei der Firma elasto form KG in Sulzbach-Rosenberg (Kauerhof) auf. Die Besucher der Betriebserkundung konnten sich über das Fertigungsverfahren, die logistischen Abläufe und den kompletten „Work flow“ des hiesigen Werbeartikelherstellers sehr detailliert informieren – keine Frage blieb unbeantwortet.
The chance for a new beginning
“Start with what is necessary, then do the possible – and suddenly you will do the impossible.” (Francis of Assisi)
Accounting professionals celebrate successful completion
ESF qualification creates the future!
Amberg, August 8, 2014. The two project supervisors Peter Blendowski and Roland Domogalla are pleased that, for the second time, long-term unemployed people have the opportunity to gain professional qualifications through the ESF project “Qualification to become a nursing assistant” in cooperation with the AM-AS job center in order to gain a foothold on the job market again. Since March 24, 2014, participants at the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center at Kaiser-Ludwig-Ring in Amberg have been learning relevant specialist theory from the career profile of geriatric nurses. By the end of the course on December 19, 2014, the participants will have completed two modules in the nursing area and one care module.
Have you ever thought about age?
Hand on heart. Have you ever asked yourself who will take care of me later when I can no longer do so? What if I'm older and sick? Jürgen Meyer recently asked himself this question and wanted to be sure what would happen next. To do this, he brought the private vocational school for geriatric care and geriatric care assistance from Amberg to the Ramasuri Frühschoppenstudio.
Be a logistician yourself – at Loxxess
Company investigations are always a good opportunity to take a look at the processes and organization of different companies. They also help to counteract the so-called operational blindness, which is still firmly anchored in many people due to their own experiences in their own company. The team of training managers for the two retraining courses, Andreas Baumann, Roland Domogalla and Richard Kirschner, were happy to take advantage of the offer from the cooperation partner LOXXESS to carry out a business simulation game on the topic of picking with the participants and to take a look behind the scenes of a logistics company.
Learning pays off – degrees with distinction in SAP qualification
On April 15, 2014, the participants in the qualification received great praise and recognition for their good to very good performance in the “SAP R/3 clerk” qualification.
Great success in qualifying as a nursing assistant
22 participants successfully completed the project to promote and improve their chances on the job market! With the qualification project to become a nursing assistant, the ISE Sprach- und Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH has been able to recruit 22 participants since it was launched in July 2013 to continue their training and work on their professional qualifications.