“You never win alone. The day you believe otherwise, you start losing.”

Mika Pauli Häkkinen

Please also visit our nursing school
ISE Sprach- & Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH

Company history

In the years 1987 to 1989, Mr Walter Ringer as a German teacher teaching immigrants from Eastern Europe. During this activity he complained several times that simply learning the German language was not enough. Our new fellow citizens are confronted with a completely new culture; They need support with official procedures, looking for accommodation, etc.

Mr. Ringer wanted to provide his protégés with this support beyond teaching the language and founded the company in 1989 Institute for Language and Enculturation.

After the professional integration of our course participants could not be fully achieved as part of the language courses, we designed various options in collaboration with the employment offices in Amberg and Sulzbach-Rosenberg professional adjustment measures, which included IT components and resulted in a company internship. Our course participants received social-educational support and company contacts were established.

Parallel to our work in the Amberg-Sulzbach district and the city of Amberg, our institution has also been involved in the area for several years new federal states.

They followed IT courses and Warehousing courses, which resulted in jobs for the majority of students from participating in the course.

Due to the large number of courses, the name of our institution no longer corresponded to the expanded scope of tasks. Our training facility has been operating under the same name since May 2000 ISE Sprach- und Berufsbildungszentrum.
Even after the name change, teaching quality and customer satisfaction are our top priority.

Also in 2000, our educational institution launched one for the first time retraining. Since 2001 we have been carrying out retraining in the following professions:

  • Insurance salesman/woman
  • Wholesale and foreign trade merchant
  • IT clerk
  • Forwarding agent
  • Warehouse logistics specialist

After many years of collaboration with the former Amberg and Sulzbach-Rosenberg employment offices in matters of further training, the ISE decided in 2005 Private employment agency to found. Our existing contacts with over 400 companies in the region were consolidated and expanded to more than 660 companies (as of 2008).

Since 2005, the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center has had the Approval for conducting integration courses for migrants receive. Since then, the ISE has worked closely with the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees in Zirndorf. In addition, the ISE has been collaborating with the ISE since 2005 Kolping educational organization in Amberg as part of the German language courses.

The integration courses are aimed at foreigners, EU citizens and repatriates who want to learn the German language from scratch or want to expand and consolidate their language skills. Our teachers are licensed to take the DTZ exam (scaled from A2 – B1).

Due to the very good quality of the speakers and the excellent pedagogical concepts, this was possible ISE certified by TÜV Rheinland.

Since 2006, the ISE has been offering qualifications in the industry software SAP R/3 for the first time in cooperation with the Nuremberg education provider Control Data Training GmbH (Academy for Information Technology and Business) in our premises in Amberg.

The following qualifications have now established themselves as “perennial favorites”:

  • SAP R/3 clerk – commercial PC clerk
  • Accounting specialist CDT with DATEV, Lexware, SAP R/3

Graduates of these qualifications can look forward to attractive job offers and are therefore among the most sought-after workers in the economy.

In recent years, in addition to job seekers, many private individuals have also turned to us who wanted to receive further training in the field of languages ​​or IT. But employers have also increasingly contacted us to have their employees trained by experienced lecturers. That's why we have it Corporate and private training division founded.

2009 was the hour of birth for the ISE vocational school for geriatric care and geriatric care assistance in Amberg at Kaiser-Ludwig-Ring 9. The now well-frequented ISE vocational school was opened this year Wholly owned subsidiary of the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center founded. This non-profit company (GmbH) primarily wants to address the nursing shortage in Germany through training in recognized professions.State-certified nursing assistant" and "State-certified geriatric nursecounteract. In addition, various qualifications in the nursing sector such as: B. offered as a carer. The majority of participants start work immediately after training, so that in addition to the very good results in the final examinations, the ISE can also record good success in starting work.

According to the Upper Palatinate government's examination procedure, the ISE vocational school is one of the state-approved schools. In the next few years - due to the good examination results - full state recognition of the ISE vocational school can be expected.

Also in 2009, the ISE language and vocational training center started further training in accordance with the WeGebAU program. This abbreviation refers to the promotion of “further training for low-skilled and employed older workers in companies” via funding programs from the Federal Employment Agency. Untrained employees or employees who have not worked in their trained profession for at least 4 years can be supported. In this way, we were and can make an important contribution to adapting the profile, knowledge and potential of employees to operational needs. For the employees of SATO Office GmbH, Tuja Zeitarbeit and ZF Friedrichshafen AG, certified qualifications in the IT and warehouse logistics areas were planned and carried out and continually adapted to operational requirements.

Since 2012, the ISE language and vocational training center has been working with local educational institutions Eckert schools and the Kolping educational organization one in the Amberg area Educational Alliance. On a trusting basis, excellent synergy effects have now emerged from the core competencies of these measure providers. All cooperation participants play a positive role in shaping the “educational landscape” in the Amberg-Sulzbach region. The extensive offerings of education, advice and support are so closely interlinked. The profound experience of the educational providers can be bundled through good cooperation and passed on to the participants of the courses, seminars, qualifications and retraining in the best possible way.

The exchange of experiences in the area of ​​teaching key skills and qualification has become a focus of our work.

In 2013, the ISE carried out several reintegration measures for the long-term unemployed on behalf of the AM-AS job center in Amberg and Sulzbach-Rosenberg. Through measures such as B. Opportunity for older people, with enthusiasm and a focus on work, the ISE was able to provide valuable support on the way back to working life.

Due to inquiries from our client Jobcenter AM-AS, the ISE language and vocational training center has also been carrying out ESF projects since 2013.

In cooperation with the AM-AS job center and, for the first time, with the European Social Fund (ESF), a project with various qualification modules for the profession of geriatric nurse is being offered, which is co-financed by the European Social Fund.

The current project to qualify as a nursing assistant for the long-term unemployed started on July 1st, 2013 in our branch at Kaiser-Ludwig-Ring 9 in Amberg and ends on March 31st, 2014.

New ISE locationt: In order to provide our customers with an even better service in the area of ​​training, further education and training, the ISE language and vocational training center has set up Kaiser-Ludwig-Ring 9 A central location was created near the train station in Amberg. Since 2013, all ISE services have been offered “from a single source” in the post office building (1st floor, right building).
Due to the proximity to the train station, our location is easily accessible from all directions - whether by bus, train or car.
And last but not least, a pleasant atmosphere contributes to learning success.


Participation and cooperation in regional networks, cooperation with local employment agencies and the AM-AS job center as well as with schools, associations, business and chambers, all of this creates the conditions to be able to offer our customers individual solutions. Just like when the company was founded, ISE still supports its customers today in mastering the challenges of life.