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ISE Sprach- & Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH

Grammer likes ISE

The ISE Sprach- und Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH in conversation with Mr. Patrick Moser, head of international personnel development and head of overall training at Grammer AG. Grammer AG has been one of ISE's corporate customers in the area of ​​language courses for many years.

Mr. Moser, how long have you been working for Grammer AG and what exactly are your tasks at Grammer AG?
Mr. Moser: Since June 2001. I am head of international personnel development and head of overall training.

How did the collaboration between Grammer AG and ISE come about?
Mr. Moser: We were looking for qualifications for broad groups of employees and also attached importance to a local provider. The local focus ultimately resulted in collaboration with the ISE.

How long has this collaboration already existed?
Mr. Moser: For many years.

What are the reasons for you to book courses for Grammer AG employees at ISE?
Mr. Moser: As already mentioned, the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center is a local provider. In addition, working with ISE is very uncomplicated.

What consequences does the short-time work, which is currently the case in many areas of Grammer AG, have on human resources development at Grammer AG?
Mr. Moser: Of course, the training budgets were drastically reduced. During this time, other ways of personnel development are required, such as: B. Coaching or internal training.

In short-time work, various courses can be funded by the Federal Employment Agency. How do you feel about this funding?
Mr. Moser: We see the support measures specifically for unskilled and semi-skilled workers as a very effective instrument of active labor market policy and are happy to use them.

Keyword: road construction. What do you think of this funding, is it practical?
Mr. Moser: Unfortunately, road construction cannot be used in our company during times of short-time work.

If you should award school grades for the ISE, Mr. Moser, please spontaneously:
Your school grade for value for money: 2
Your school grade for the ISE lecturers: 2
Your school grade for organization in ISE courses: 2
Your school grade for communication with the educational institution: 2

How do you rate the ISE website?
Mr. Moser: For us as a corporate customer, personal contact with the educational provider is more important. The websites are dynamic and interesting, but contain too much content.

What training do you think ISE should include in its offering?
Mr. Moser: The current continuing education offering should be retained, as this is where the ISE's core competencies lie.

Mr. Moser, thank you very much for taking the time to answer our questions!

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