“A person’s only real enemies are their own negative thoughts.”

Albert Einstein

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ISE Sprach- & Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH

Common european reference framework

The ISE Sprach- und Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH has been successfully running language courses for German as a foreign language for 20 years. Of course, the Common European Framework of Reference also applies. The Common European Framework of Reference was developed at the suggestion of the Council of Europe and aims to: To standardize foreign language learning in European member states and make it more transparent. The Common European Framework of Reference – GER for short – increases mobility in the member states, facilitates the mutual recognition of language certificates and promotes cooperation between educational institutions in different countries.

The GER applies to all ISE language courses!

GER Level courses

The CEFR defines levels that determine language skills in the following areas

  • communicative competence,
  • active and receptive skills and
  • language competence for specific purposes


GER levels – corresponding German language test

Overview of the GER levels and corresponding German language tests

A 1 Elementary language use
Can understand and use familiar, everyday expressions and very simple sentences aimed at satisfying specific needs. Can introduce themselves and others and ask other people questions about themselves - e.g. B. where they live, what kind of people they know or what kind of things they have - and can answer questions of this kind. Can communicate easily if the other person speaks slowly and clearly and is willing to help.
A 1 – Language tests:

  • European language certificate German A1
  • Fit in German 1 for young people
  • Start German 1
A 2 Elementary language use
Can understand sentences and commonly used expressions related to areas of immediate importance (e.g. personal and family information, shopping, work, local area). Can communicate in simple, routine situations that involve a simple and direct exchange of information about familiar and common matters. Can use simple means to describe one's own background and education, one's immediate surroundings and things related to immediate needs.
A 2 – Language tests:

  • European language certificate German A 2
  • Fit in German 2 for teenagers
  • Start German 2
B 1 independent usage of language
Can understand the main points when clear, standard language is used and when it involves familiar things from work, school, leisure, etc. Can handle most situations encountered while traveling in the language area. Can express himself simply and coherently on familiar topics and areas of personal interest. Can report on experiences and events, describe dreams, hopes and goals and give brief reasons or explanations for plans and views.
B 1 – Language exams:

  • European language certificate German B 1
  • German certificate
  • German certificate for young people
B 2 independent usage of language
Can understand the main content of complex texts on concrete and abstract topics; also understands technical discussions in his own specialist area. Can communicate so spontaneously and fluently that a normal conversation with native speakers is possible without major effort on both sides. Can express himself clearly and in detail on a wide range of topics, explain a viewpoint on a current issue, and provide the advantages and disadvantages of various options.
B 2 – Language exams:

  • German language test for university entrance level 1 (DSH-1)
  • European language certificate German B 2
  • Goethe certificate B 2
  • Test German as a Foreign Language (TestDaF) – TDN 3
  • German certificate for the profession
C 1 competent language usage
Can understand a wide range of demanding, longer texts and also grasp implicit meanings. Can express themselves spontaneously and fluently without having to often clearly search for words. Can use the language effectively and flexibly in social and professional life or in training and studies. Can express himself clearly, structuredly and in detail on complex issues and use various means of linking text appropriately.
C 1 – Language exams:

  • German language test for university entrance level 2 (DSH-2)
  • European language certificate German C 1
  • Goethe certificate C 1
  • Business German exam
  • Test German as a Foreign Language (TestDaF) – TDN 4+5
  • Central Intermediate Examination (ZMP)
C 2 competent language usage
Can easily understand virtually everything he/she reads or hears. Can summarize information from various written and oral sources, presenting reasons and explanations in a coherent presentation. Can express himself spontaneously, very fluently and precisely and can make finer nuances of meaning clear even in more complex situations.
C 2 – language tests:

  • German language test for university entrance level 3 (DSH-3)
  • European language certificate German C 2
  • Small German Language Diploma (KDS)
  • Central Upper School Examination (ZOP)