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ISE Sprach- & Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH

Course community from ten nations successful

Representatives of the job center (right) and lecturers were happy with the successful participants of a qualification course, who were able to receive their “nursing assistant” certificate at the lofty heights of the ISE roof terrace. Image: Uschald

On the mountain. (usc) Joy and pride were reflected in the faces of the twelve men and women from ten different nations when they received their “nursing assistant” certificate at the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center after almost ten months of qualification measures funded by the European Social Fund (ESF). were allowed. This course also had to overcome Corona hurdles.

In his review at the certificate award ceremony in the presence of job center representatives, course leader Thomas Klein referred to the extension of the course caused by the corona pandemic, because improvisation had to be carried out from March 16th to May 22nd, even if there was regular contact with individual teaching topics gave to the participants. This time the origins of the participants were very different, as Klein reported. They come from Iraq, Azerbaijan, Eritrea, Russia, the Philippines, the USA, Kazakhstan, Ethiopia, Syria and Germany.

The European Social Fund (ESF) supports such courses for (re)integration into the labor market at great financial expense. The Amberg-Sulzbach job center provides co-financing. Its deputy leader, Ralf Doschat, and the employment placement team leader, Rainer Liermann, were full of praise for the commitment and perseverance shown by the group, as there were also family problems to be solved here or there during the course.

“1,300 hours including the internship were not exactly a small number,” noted Doschat appreciatively. It is encouraging that some are seeking further qualification, for example at the ISE vocational school for geriatric care and geriatric care assistance. “Hats off!” Rainer Liermann also paid the successful graduates the utmost respect. He has already accompanied many measures of the European Social Fund. The exam results of this course are impressive. Liermann recommended to the men and women who are only now starting an internship because of Corona: “Show your best side”. If you haven't managed to get a permanent position yet, the job center will try to remove any stumbling blocks.

According to course leader Thomas Klein, all successful participants have the necessary empathy that is particularly needed in the nursing profession. Because of the corona pandemic, it was difficult to find internships in old people's and nursing homes. “We will support you in your job search,” ISE education coordinator Peter Blendowski assured the group of participants. He noted that the course participants had to completely change their lives and that the initial uncertainty quickly subsided. They could look back on their achievement with pride.

According to the job center, over 19,000 people have so far completed qualification measures at the ISE language and vocational training center.

For the report
Hubert Uschald