“Do you want to tread the beaten path or create new paths?”

Author unknown

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ISE Sprach- & Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH

Pilot project “Klartext: Future”

Measure to teach German at work and key qualifications for migrants and refugees

In order to enable our new fellow citizens to have a professional future in Germany, clear and binding rules are needed. In one course, the ISE offers a concept for the fair but sustainable teaching of language skills and key skills that are required in working life in Germany.

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Practical professional qualification in warehouse logistics with forklift training and job-related language training

The target group is people with a migrant background who are registered with the employment agency or job center and need such further training to increase their professional opportunities.

If the personal requirements are met, participation in the course can be funded by the responsible employment agency or the job center. Customers will be issued an education voucher for this purpose.

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Use short-time work for further training

Chance für ÄltereShort-time work

The number of companies that are on short-time work is very high throughout Germany. This is also the case in the Upper Palatinate. The government launched this instrument together with the Federal Employment Agency to prevent large-scale waves of layoffs in order to preserve jobs. Unfortunately, this plan does not work for all companies, as the layoffs at Amberger Grammer AG and BHS in Weiherhammer show. The Federal Employment Agency has faced the economic crisis and is supporting companies

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Education voucher

bgHolders of an education voucher can continue their education free of charge at ISE. Please note the general conditions applicable to education vouchers:

Since January 1, 2003, new legal regulations (First and Second Law for Modern Services on the Labor Market) to promote further vocational training provide that employees can receive an education voucher if they meet the relevant requirements for further training and further education.

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Partial qualification as a specialist in warehouse logistics

A qualification with future prospects

The ISE language and vocational training center has been offering partial qualifications in the training occupation of warehouse logistics specialist since 2011, which include the most important qualification modules of the above. profession included. If participants are interested in acquiring the remaining training content after this qualification, there is the possibility of obtaining admission to the so-called external examination before the IHK Regensburg. This gives you the opportunity to subsequently complete vocational training in a recognized training occupation.

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Qualification in the commercial area with a computer driving license start

On June 11, 2012, the qualification in the commercial area started for the second time. This measure was already carried out with great success in 2011. The participants were able to increase their specialist knowledge enormously. During or after the measure, the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center was able to record a large number of participants starting work.

This qualification measure, which was designed specifically for those returning to work, offers a fairly broad repertoire of learning content in order to acquire or refresh the knowledge required in practice. The qualification is divided into the two areas of IT and commercial qualification. A four-week internship completes the qualification.

As part of this qualification, computer training takes place to acquire the European computer driving license ECDL Start. This certificate can certainly be used to enhance any application portfolio.

Funding via education vouchers is possible...

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Computer course with ECDL, Linux and network technology

The ICDL/ECDL belongs in every application folder

The ICDL/ECDL (International/European Computer Driving License) is an international certification program that certifies in-depth knowledge and skills in the use of the most important computer applications. It is recognized worldwide as the benchmark for computer literacy and is currently implemented in 148 countries. Governments, international organizations (e.g. UNESCO), schools and universities as well as numerous large companies require or support ICDL/ECDL certification of their employees. They recognize that a uniform and internationally validated educational standard based on practical requirements ensures the quality of the training and is motivating for the participants.

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