“Demanding happiness from others is a sure way to dependency.”

Boris Grundl

Please also visit our nursing school
ISE Sprach- & Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH

MISSION STATEMENT of the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center

As our customer, you are primarily a participant in an educational measure. In this context, with us you will find an educational institution in which qualified lecturers impart the relevant knowledge in an atmosphere that is conducive to learning, according to your educational needs. Depending on the course, this knowledge will create the opportunity to successfully complete a professional qualification or a corresponding certificate or to generally improve your chances on the job market.

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ISE success story – ISE celebrates its 25th birthday

Image: Uschald-PR - The ISE management with Eva Weber (middle), Peter Blendowski (right) and Roland Domogalla (left) present the birthday cake, which was later distributed to the guests.

Amberg – The ISE language and vocational training center can now look back on 25 successful years in adult education. Such an anniversary is a worthy occasion for a ceremonial celebration. The ceremony took place in the Amberg-Sulzbach district office (König-Ruprecht-Saal) with numerous guests from business, politics and public life as well as with former course participants. The social commitment in society, in addition to the competent educational work and outreach work, was highly praised from all sides.

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Company history

In the years 1987 to 1989, Mr Walter Ringer as a German teacher teaching immigrants from Eastern Europe. During this activity he complained several times that simply learning the German language was not enough. Our new fellow citizens are confronted with a completely new culture; They need support with official procedures, looking for accommodation, etc.

Mr. Ringer wanted to provide his protégés with this support beyond teaching the language and founded the company in 1989 Institute for Language and Enculturation.

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Training at ISE

On September 15, 2009, Ms. Carina Luber began her training as an office communications clerk at the ISE Sprach- und Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH. This makes Ms. Luber the third trainee at the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center. She is following in big footsteps, as her predecessors and predecessors have always achieved very good results in their exams.

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