“The most beautiful stories begin with courage.”

Author unknown

Please also visit our nursing school
ISE Sprach- & Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH

I recommend ISE! – Retraining specialist for warehouse logistics

First of all, I would like to thank our lecturer Richard Kirschner for always having an open ear for everyone and for being extremely patient with the sixteen of us retrainees, who couldn't be more different.

Briefly about me: My name is Apostolos Vougazianos and I took part in the retraining program at the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center to become a warehouse logistics specialist in the period from March 16, 2009 to March 16, 2011. A long two years that flew by.

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Data protection concerns everyone!

Data protection in times of global networking

The right of every person to be able to decide exclusively for themselves about the use of personal or personal data has become an increasingly important issue for people in all cultural communities since the 1960s at the latest. What, when, by whom, to what extent, personal information worthy of protection was and is stored or even passed on to others has always not always been completely clear or even transparent for citizens. In addition, many people harbored the suspicion, which is still growing today, that what is permitted by law is probably not strictly adhered to in all cases and by all companies and public institutions; This may sometimes simply be due to ignorance of the exact regulations or a lack of really consistent implementation of guidelines and own concepts.

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Now I'm learning SAP® at ISE

SAP® training courses are the springboard for starting an interesting and lucrative job. The majority of medium-sized and large companies today use SAP® systems. SAP® knowledge has often become a hiring criterion. That's why a commercial qualification to become an SAP® R/3 clerk increases your competence and improves your chances on the job market.

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Training at ISE is also fun

Carina Luber
Carina Luber – trainee as an office clerk

The ISE Language and Vocational Training Center is very pleased to be able to introduce your trainees. Ms. Carina Luber (19 years old) is learning the profession of office clerk in the administration of the ISE language and vocational training center in Amberg. Many of you have probably already spoken to our employee on the phone or met her in person in our administration. We conducted a short interview with Carina – as she is called by all employees.

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Coming into the country – learning the language – becoming a native

Ins Land kommmen
Slearn language
Ebecome native

This is what the ISE integration courses have stood for for 21 years.

The first “German language course” started in the Rotkreuzhaus in Amberg in 1989. Over time, the ISE has accompanied more than 8,000 new citizens from many countries around the world on their first steps in Germany.
Before the introduction of the Immigration Act in 2005, the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) used a strict approval process to select qualified educational providers to run integration courses. ISE’s application was successful – and its work still is. The 28th course started in January.

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Recently, 17 women and men were proud to receive their participation certificates from the ISE Sprach- und Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH. Since then, you have been a qualified helper in geriatric care and housekeeping, as well as a carer in accordance with Section 87b SGB XI. The following closing speech by a course participant briefly and clearly describes how the course participants experienced the training.

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Ten friends

I recommend the retraining as “Freight Forwarding and Logistics Services Clerk” at ISE to ten friends because I associate this career change with real prospects (friend 1). Because it will enable me to get a business degree (friend 2). Because I can implement my interest in technology (Friend 3) and combine it with my commercial professional experience (Friend 4).

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Anonymous application

Application documents up to date?
The move to legally require anonymous applications is of course not only met with happy sentiments. Many HR managers discuss the effects and practical implementation of anonymous applications. In the ISE private employment agency, interested job seekers also ask the employment agencies crucial questions: How should an anonymous application be meaningful? What else should be included in the application documents in the future? Does that even make sense because: couldn't an applicant also become a victim of discrimination in a job interview? Questions upon questions that a few large German companies are trying to answer by voluntarily taking part in a pilot test. Unfortunately, a statement from these companies is not yet available. You can be excited.

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