“Having patience is a virtue – demanding patience is a desire – losing patience is a failure.”

Helmut Glaßl

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ISE Sprach- & Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH

Pilot project “Klartext: Future”

Measure to teach German at work and key qualifications for migrants and refugees

In order to enable our new fellow citizens to have a professional future in Germany, clear and binding rules are needed. In one course, the ISE offers a concept for the fair but sustainable teaching of language skills and key skills that are required in working life in Germany.

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Practical professional qualification in warehouse logistics with forklift training and job-related language training

The target group is people with a migrant background who are registered with the employment agency or job center and need such further training to increase their professional opportunities.

If the personal requirements are met, participation in the course can be funded by the responsible employment agency or the job center. Customers will be issued an education voucher for this purpose.

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Activation and mediation with intensive support

The “Activation and Placement with Intensive Support” measure, which the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center has been successfully implementing since April 1, 2015 in collaboration with the AM-AS job center in Amberg and Sulzbach-Rosenberg, supports unemployed people in their job search through intensive support. The goal of professional integration is pursued through placement support. The ISE language and vocational training centers have now been able to help numerous course participants find suitable jobs and improve their career prospects.

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Opportunity for older people

Chance für ÄltereModular measure to impart specialist skills and professional qualifications

Already for the second time (starting on 11.11.2013) The ISE Language and Vocational Training Center is launching the modular measure “Opportunity for Older People” to impart specialist skills and professional qualifications. During the measure, internships and application training increase the chances of starting a career. The ISE team also supports the participants in their job search during the measure.

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Do it with enthusiasm

Modular measure to impart specialist skills and professional qualifications

For the first time on October 2nd, 2012, the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center is launching the modular measure “With enthusiasm” to impart specialist skills and professional qualifications. During the measure, key qualifications for professional success are trained, among other things. Requirement profiles for various professions from industry and crafts as well as nursing, business, administration and services are broken down. In addition to computer basics, other professional qualifications such as: B. Communication skills are taught. Internships and application training increase the chances of starting a career. The ISE team also supports the participants in their job search during the measure.

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Partial qualification as a specialist in warehouse logistics

A qualification with future prospects

The ISE language and vocational training center has been offering partial qualifications in the training occupation of warehouse logistics specialist since 2011, which include the most important qualification modules of the above. profession included. If participants are interested in acquiring the remaining training content after this qualification, there is the possibility of obtaining admission to the so-called external examination before the IHK Regensburg. This gives you the opportunity to subsequently complete vocational training in a recognized training occupation.

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