“The most beautiful stories begin with courage.”

Author unknown

Please also visit our nursing school
ISE Sprach- & Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH

Be there – JoBi.regional on April 11th, 2024

The work and education working group of the Intermunicipal Alliance for Migration and Integration of the city of Amberg and the Amberg-Sulzbach district, together with the alliance of regional education providers, is organizing a job and education fair “JoBi.regional” again in 2024. The event certainly offers a good opportunity to talk to companies and find out about open training or job positions.

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JoBi.regional – another complete success!

The “JoBi.regional” was linked to an open day at the ISE vocational school for nursing. Its director, Ilona Lang (left), made the guests of honor at the school's training bed smile (from left): Manfred Tröppl, managing director of the AM-AS job center, deputy district administrator Stefan Braun, Mayor Michael Cerny and Rainer Liermann, market and integration team leader in the job center AM-AS. Image: H. Uschald

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Tip: It’s best to make a note of JoBi.regional on March 15, 2023 now

For the second time, the work and education working group of the Intermunicipal Alliance for Migration and Integration of the city of Amberg and the Amberg-Sulzbach district is organizing the job and education fair “JoBi.regional” together with the alliance of regional education providers. The trade fair was already a complete success for everyone involved. Well-known companies and institutions were able to have good and targeted discussions with applicants regarding open training and job positions. It didn't take long for the first training and employment contracts to be initiated.

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Use short-time work for further training

Chance für ÄltereShort-time work

The number of companies that are on short-time work is very high throughout Germany. This is also the case in the Upper Palatinate. The government launched this instrument together with the Federal Employment Agency to prevent large-scale waves of layoffs in order to preserve jobs. Unfortunately, this plan does not work for all companies, as the layoffs at Amberger Grammer AG and BHS in Weiherhammer show. The Federal Employment Agency has faced the economic crisis and is supporting companies

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ISE carers shine

ISE Betreuungskräfte im Heilig-Geist-StiftA year ago, ISE Sprach- und Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH carried out the first qualification for carers in accordance with Section 87 SGB XI. At this point in time, many nursing homes did not yet agree to this innovation or were still in negotiations with the nursing care insurance companies about who should pay for the care staff. Ms. Daubert-Siegler, head of nursing services at the Heilig-Geist-Stift senior center, took an early interest in the graduates of the first course. Despite initially poor forecasts, the Bürgerspitalstiftung was one of the first to hire two carers per care facility. Half a year has passed since then. Reason for the management of the ISE and the course leader at the time to seek a conversation with Ms. Daubert-Siegler.

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Short-time work

Red pencil?

It is an open secret that qualified employees are important for their respective employers and that targeted further training in individual subject areas also represents a financial advantage for companies in the medium to long term. Unfortunately, especially in economically difficult times, many employers turn their backs on personnel development in order to be able to use their financial resources elsewhere. “You know, if funds are needed to maintain business operations, this obviously has priority…” (HR manager of a company Raum AS).

The leaf hisses from the shearing blades

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Recruitment of trainees for employers

Job search
The ISE supports applicants in their job search

The selection of new trainees is always a time-consuming process that has to be managed at the same time as everyday tasks. Our professional employment agents take the most time-consuming steps of the selection process off your hands and – if requested – carry out professional interviews with you. Finally, if you wish, you will receive a recommendation from the ISE staff. Important: you make the final decision about who can do training with you!

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