“Before you give up, remember why you started.”

Author unknown

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ISE Sprach- & Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH

Application documents – TopAktuell

When looking for a new job or training position, your application documents are the first impression you make on your potential new employer. To make this impression as good as possible, there are a few things you should keep in mind.

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job interview

Take this hurdle!

A job interview is always a stressful situation! Are you nervous and don't know what to expect? Do you want to gain security and prepare specifically? Train possible situations with our professional application trainer! You will receive valuable tips and learn a lot about what lies behind the questions you are asked!

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Employee motivation analysis

Motivated employees are the key to success! A central question that you as an employer should ask yourself is: What motivates my employees to perform? Masslow's hierarchy of needs and Freud's views on how sexuality motivates people to achieve are milestones in the study of motivation. However, there is now new research into what motivates a person. Based on the theory of the 16 life motives according to Steven Reiss, this seminar analyzes what motivates your employees and what motivates you.

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Short-time work

Red pencil?

It is an open secret that qualified employees are important for their respective employers and that targeted further training in individual subject areas also represents a financial advantage for companies in the medium to long term. Unfortunately, especially in economically difficult times, many employers turn their backs on personnel development in order to be able to use their financial resources elsewhere. “You know, if funds are needed to maintain business operations, this obviously has priority…” (HR manager of a company Raum AS).

The leaf hisses from the shearing blades

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Present successfully

Every day you present yourself to those around you and it doesn't matter whether this is private or professional. Your presentations will sometimes be better and sometimes worse received by your audience. But successful presentations set the course for your success, especially in the professional sector!

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