“For every person there is a special path.”

Leo N. Tolstoy

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ISE Sprach- & Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH

Workshops MS Office – individual company training

Most of the errors that a normal computer makes happen about 50 centimeters in front of the screen. If you plan to reduce your error rate or that of your employees, then you should find out more about the computer courses “ISE Workshops in MS Office”. These computer courses from the area of ​​corporate training are extremely tailored to your requirements and wishes.

Turn mistakes into successes!

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Language courses for companies

English is becoming more and more important at work!

It is an open secret that language skills are often the key to entrepreneurial success. Regardless of whether it is oral or written communication with your suppliers, customers and colleagues – it must function smoothly. Our language teachers, who are primarily native speakers, can draw on broad experience in teaching lasting language skills.

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Write job references correctly

Job references are an essential part of application documents - as a reference for job seekers and as a decision-making aid for employers. Some legal and content-related rules for job references must be taken into account - you will find out what they are in this seminar! If you know what to pay attention to when writing a job reference, you will also know how to correctly assess applicants' job references! Invest three hours and bring your knowledge up to date!

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Project management – ​​training with the support of the computer simulation LUNARIS

Image source: Konstantin Gastmann / pixelio.de

For the first time, the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center is offering a combined seminar consisting of project management and social skills training. As part of this training, participants learn how to optimally plan and manage a project and can immediately practice this on a sample project and experience it for themselves. For this purpose, modules alternate with theoretical input and practical exercises, which are carried out with a computer simulation as the project progresses. The computer simulation LUNARIS recreates typical work situations in complex, demanding projects. The course participants take on the different roles in the project and thus experience directly that the success of the project depends on the performance and efficient collaboration of the individual team members.

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Focus on career… – Cooperation with Werkhof non-profit company mbH

Blickpunkt Beruf
Source: Werkhof Regensburg / Focus on Profession

Blickpunkt Berufs is an offer for single women. With this measure, participants can find out what and how they want to work. “Blickpunkt Berufs” plans the path there with you.

“Blickpunkt Berufs” is a very successful career search offering. Since 1994, more than 300 women between the ages of 18 and 40 have successfully taken part. Over half then found permanent employment or accepted a training or retraining position.

The aim of the course is to take up a part-time job, start training or retraining.

As a cooperation partner, the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center is carrying out some module sections of this project - especially in the IT area.

The sponsors of BLICKPUNKT BERUF are:
WERKHOF non-profit company mbH
in cooperation with Werkhof Amberg-Sulzbach non-profit GmbH
a Diakonie company.

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