“Heaven is wherever you are, and that’s where you need to practice.”

Morihei Ueshiba

Please also visit our nursing school
ISE Sprach- & Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH

Speech and presentation training

Short description:

The ability to speak and present are important prerequisites during training, at work, or for professional or scientific qualifications.
Only those who present content in an understandable and interesting way will be convincing and leave a lasting impression.
In this training you will be taught both rhetorical and technical skills and abilities for a convincing and strong appearance.

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Public speaking and teaching

Short description:

For many professional groups, the permanent ability to talk and speak is a prerequisite for professional performance. A self-confident and authentic appearance helps you to convince your audience to support your cause.
But what makes a confident, authentic appearance? How do I secure the attention of my listeners and convince them of the content of my speeches?

During training or further education, you will learn the speaking and rhetorical basics of presenting. Using a topic you are familiar with and a presentation you have already prepared, we will show you ways to optimize your appearance. A team of qualified and experienced communication specialists will give you clear feedback and, if necessary, support you beyond the training period.

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Speaking in exam situations

Short description:

This training is aimed specifically at pupils, trainees, students and doctoral candidates who need to prepare for an oral examination. The aim is to give participants strategies for dealing with stress and nervousness and to develop their rhetorical skills and abilities so that they are optimally prepared for upcoming exam situations.

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The difficult doctor/therapist-patient conversation

Short description

This course is intended as an advanced course for doctors and medical staff.
What are the reasons for unsuccessful conversations between doctor and patient or therapist and patient? How do you deal with difficult situations and resolve them to mutual satisfaction? A team of speech scientists, actors and doctors supports you in optimizing your conversation behavior.

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Conversation training – communication course for foreign-speaking medical staff

Short description

This course is primarily aimed at foreign-speaking doctors and medical staff who are not fluent in the German language. Building on a job-related intensive German course, knowledge of doctor/therapist-patient communication is imparted. Cultural influences and intercultural differences in communication are discussed in detail.

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English – LCCI

Given the ever-increasing globalization and internationalization of companies, knowledge of English is often a basic requirement for a job! The main focus here is on training participants in English with a focus on business. The creation of standard business correspondence is also part of this qualification. The LCCI certificate is the English certificate from the IHK London, the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

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Education voucher

bgHolders of an education voucher can continue their education free of charge at ISE. Please note the general conditions applicable to education vouchers:

Since January 1, 2003, new legal regulations (First and Second Law for Modern Services on the Labor Market) to promote further vocational training provide that employees can receive an education voucher if they meet the relevant requirements for further training and further education.

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Discussion management

Seminar content:
Technical competence is taken for granted, social competence is evident at the meeting table.
Both, together with precise preparation, determine the outcome of your meetings and negotiations.
The ISE Language and Vocational Training Center focuses primarily on the following points during the seminar:
  • Meetings are planned professionally, carried out in a targeted manner and systematically and concluded successfully.
  • They negotiate on a factual basis, insist on objective criteria and reach sensible agreements.
  • You bring your personality and personal skills to the fore in conversations, meetings and negotiations

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Language courses from Spanish to Chinese

Learning can also be fun – many ISE participants can confirm this

Our philosophy is to provide participants with the appropriate language skills in order to achieve lasting success. Learning languages ​​requires time, and this time is often limited by employees in companies. Through learner-oriented course modules, we ensure the long-term success of our language courses! In order to achieve the best possible learning success, we offer the opportunity for large numbers of participants to take a placement test before the course to ensure learning in a homogeneous group.

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