Be there - Jobi. Regional on April 10th, 2025

Counteracting the impending nursing shortage – enormous job opportunities!
Market-oriented thinking implies future-oriented action. Projections and forecasts predict an unprecedented nursing shortage in the coming decades. If one also takes into account the demographic development in Germany, there is an urgent need for action!
As a result, it is urgently necessary to recruit enough qualified helpers in the areas of geriatric care, services and volunteer work for the next 20 - 25 years.
Trained, volunteer helpers should not be in short supply. They will be needed more than ever in the future and may be able to use this route to get into a job subject to social insurance contributions on the primary labor market.
If you want to make a difference? Merchant for forwarding and logistics services
If you don't want to spend a boring day at work, but want to make sure that something gets done, then a career as a freight forwarding and logistics services clerk is exactly the right thing for you. The job market prospects for those who complete this retraining are also comparatively excellent.
Since January 1, 2003, new legal regulations (First and Second Law for Modern Services on the Labor Market) to promote further vocational training provide that employees can receive an education voucher if they meet the relevant requirements for further training and further education.
The ICDL/ECDL belongs in every application folder
The ICDL/ECDL (International/European Computer Driving License) is an international certification program that certifies in-depth knowledge and skills in the use of the most important computer applications. It is recognized worldwide as the benchmark for computer literacy and is currently implemented in 148 countries. Governments, international organizations (e.g. UNESCO), schools and universities as well as numerous large companies require or support ICDL/ECDL certification of their employees. They recognize that a uniform and internationally validated educational standard based on practical requirements ensures the quality of the training and is motivating for the participants.