A certified package of measures from the ISE vocational school for geriatric care and geriatric care assistance (non-profit GmbH)
All courses, qualifications and training
Here you will find all the courses, qualifications and training that we offer for private and corporate customers as well as for our customers who are supported by the employment agency or ARGE.
Modular measure in the nursing sector with work-related German
Das A&O für Arbeitssuchende
Das ISE Sprach- und Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH bietet auch dieses Jahr allen interessierten förderungsfähigen Teilnehmern die Maßnahme “Das A&O für Arbeitsuchende” an. Die Teilnehmer können sich auf ein interessantes Lehrgangsangebot freuen mit Themen wie Orientierung, Aktivierung und EDV. Abschließend erfolgt ein Betriebspraktikum.
Retraining specialist warehouse clerk (IHK) for asylum seekers with a job-related German course
For the first time from September 21, 2015, the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center Amberg is offering interested asylum seekers retraining to become a state-recognized warehouse clerk. In addition to the necessary theoretical knowledge for the training as a warehouse specialist, the participants also take part in a job-related German course with a direct career reference for warehouse logistics professions in order to learn the German language and typical technical terms in warehouse management. As part of the retraining, the participants complete forklift training and an internship lasting approximately 3 months. Knowledge transfer takes place, among other things, in the core subjects of logistical processes, economic and social processes, specialist arithmetic, electronic data processing and English. The chances of getting a job in the warehouse professions in company practice are still very good. Companies are increasingly relying on trained specialists to provide high-quality work – the need for unskilled workers, however, is constantly decreasing. Retraining represents a unique opportunity for all applicants to learn a solid apprenticeship. As with all retraining, the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center can help you find internships and jobs. The diverse contacts of the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center with local, regional and national companies are certainly very useful here.
The be-all and end-all for part-time job seekers
This course prepares participants for a career start and also provides a wide range of knowledge on the topics of the labor market, application training as well as IT and the Internet. In addition, participants increase their professional opportunities and professional skills as part of an internship.
The course is aimed primarily at younger unemployed people who are supported by the employment agency. Both full-time and part-time employees can take part in the measure and will be taught and supervised by our qualified specialist staff. Last but not least, the application documents are kept up to date and professional. Our internal employment agency can help you find internships, jobs and training positions.
Part-time evening integration courses for employees
Step by step to the German test for immigrants (DTZ)!
Learn conveniently alongside your job!
Our learning system
Three building blocks to learn German
- teaching methods
The language of instruction is German. You learn with modern textbooks, additional current materials and in everyday scenarios. You work alone, in pairs or in groups. We support you individually and prepare you optimally for the exam. - Qualified teachers
All teachers have experience working with people from different countries and cultures. You regularly take part in further training courses and therefore teach using the most modern methods and findings. - Performance reviews and exams
Before the course begins, we determine your language level. During the course, regular performance reports document your progress. Of course, we also give learning tips and develop individual solutions for learning difficulties. At the end of the course, you will take the DTZ exam and prove your German language skills with a certificate that is recognized throughout Europe.