“The best things in life aren’t the ones you get for money.”

Albert Einstein

Please also visit our nursing school
ISE Sprach- & Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH

ISE – a reliable companion on your way back to working life

Unemployment and receiving unemployment benefit II are often the beginning of an unstoppable downward spiral in a person's life. Many motivated employees are afraid of one day getting caught up in this vicious cycle. But what should you do if it does happen and from one day to the next you are only an insignificant figure in the unemployment statistics.

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Completed training is the most important recruitment criterion

Sulzbach-Rosenberg – Two-year retraining as a warehouse logistics specialist completed with great integration success

After two years of retraining, a small phase of life came to an end for the participants in the training occupation as warehouse logistics specialist: With the official handover of certificates on November 9th, 2011 at the Sulzbach-Rosenberg training center, the ISE language and vocational training center was able to complete the training after two years of intensive training, which began on October 1st, 2009 began and ended on September 30, 2011, releasing a large number of graduates into professional life.

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Retrainees are sought after by companies

14 successful graduates at ISE – Become a warehouse logistics specialist in two years

ON THE MOUNTAIN. At a small ceremony, the head of the Language and Vocational Training Center (ISE), Peter Blendowski, welcomed not only the successful graduates of the warehouse logistics course, but also teachers and representatives from the employment agency and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IHK). A lot of energy and perseverance were required during the two years of training, says Blendowski. Of the originally 16 participants, 14 received the coveted certificate on Friday.

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Data protection concerns everyone!

Data protection in times of global networking

The right of every person to be able to decide exclusively for themselves about the use of personal or personal data has become an increasingly important issue for people in all cultural communities since the 1960s at the latest. What, when, by whom, to what extent, personal information worthy of protection was and is stored or even passed on to others has always not always been completely clear or even transparent for citizens. In addition, many people harbored the suspicion, which is still growing today, that what is permitted by law is probably not strictly adhered to in all cases and by all companies and public institutions; This may sometimes simply be due to ignorance of the exact regulations or a lack of really consistent implementation of guidelines and own concepts.

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Now I'm learning SAP® at ISE

SAP® training courses are the springboard for starting an interesting and lucrative job. The majority of medium-sized and large companies today use SAP® systems. SAP® knowledge has often become a hiring criterion. That's why a commercial qualification to become an SAP® R/3 clerk increases your competence and improves your chances on the job market.

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ISE successfully retrains

In March 2008, retraining to become a warehouse logistics specialist (IHK) began at the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center in Amberg. A new challenge. Both for the retraining participants who, after years of working life, now have to go back to school and also have to prepare at home for what happens in class and ultimately, of course, for the demanding exams at the IHK Regensburg. As well as for the retraining manager Kai Rachowski, who pursued the goal of bringing the retraining to a successful conclusion as usual.

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ISE – technical school founded

Nyour nursing school

This year, ISE Sprach- und Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH founded the ISE technical school for geriatric care and general education gGmbH, which is based in Amberg. The decisive factors for founding the subsidiary are the sustained success of the nursing courses that ISE has been running for many years, as well as the excellent career prospects for nursing staff in general and qualified nursing staff in particular.

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