“You often see something a hundred times, a thousand times, before you really see it for the very first time.”

Christian Morgenstern

Please also visit our nursing school
ISE Sprach- & Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH

Opportunity for older people – joy, friends, knowledge and new perspectives!

The “Chance for Older People” measure, in which we as students were able to take part, is now ending after three months. The course took place at the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center in Amberg (Kaiser-Ludwig-Ring 9, near the train station). In November - at the beginning of the course - each and every one of us asked ourselves the same questions: "What's in store for me?", "What can I expect?", "Who will I meet there?" and "Will I have fun?" “.

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Opportunity for older people

Chance für ÄltereModular measure to impart specialist skills and professional qualifications

Already for the second time (starting on 11.11.2013) The ISE Language and Vocational Training Center is launching the modular measure “Opportunity for Older People” to impart specialist skills and professional qualifications. During the measure, internships and application training increase the chances of starting a career. The ISE team also supports the participants in their job search during the measure.

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Training in focus – quality for the future!!!

On Friday, July 29, 2013, the two graduating classes, geriatric nurses (3-year training) and geriatric nursing assistants (1-year training) from the ISE vocational school for geriatric care and geriatric care assistance in Amberg celebrated their anniversary in a festive and joyful setting successful completion of the training.

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Our administration has moved to Kaiser-Ludwig-Ring 9

In order to provide our customers with an even better service in the area of ​​training, further education and training, we have expanded and positioned our premises near the train station.

In order to be able to offer all services “from a single source”, we have our language and vocational training center on site

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Fit in SAP – qualification to become an SAP R/3 clerk

The SAP software is primarily used by large and medium-sized companies. Without appropriate prior knowledge of this program, it is often difficult to get into well-known companies. The ISE, together with its cooperation partner CDT (Control Data Training GmbH, Nuremberg), is starting the commercial qualification with the title SAP again on September 10, 2012® R/3®- Clerk.

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Do it with enthusiasm

Modular measure to impart specialist skills and professional qualifications

For the first time on October 2nd, 2012, the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center is launching the modular measure “With enthusiasm” to impart specialist skills and professional qualifications. During the measure, key qualifications for professional success are trained, among other things. Requirement profiles for various professions from industry and crafts as well as nursing, business, administration and services are broken down. In addition to computer basics, other professional qualifications such as: B. Communication skills are taught. Internships and application training increase the chances of starting a career. The ISE team also supports the participants in their job search during the measure.

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We are proud of our participants: IHK London exam with distinction / passed very well

We are proud of our participants: Passed LCCI exam with Distinction / Credit

The course participants of the business English course with LCCI certification, which took place from September 2011 to January 2012 at the ISE language and vocational training center in Amberg, were now delighted to receive their LCCI certificates from London - everyone got it with flying colors, i.e. with a grade of 1 or 2 , passed.

Not only course leader Christa Shafi was very pleased with this excellent achievement, Peter Blendowski, managing director of the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center, also congratulated the graduates with the words: “You can be truly proud of this result. Although this is not a guarantee of a job, your chances on the job market have significantly improved, because sound English skills are urgently needed in business.”

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First impressions of the participants in the qualification for nursing and housekeeping

Gerd Altmann / pixelio.de

The participants of the qualification in nursing and housekeeping came to the ISE (05.03.2012) on the first day of the course with their worst fears. Many people had in mind that the course could be very boring and the material could be very dry. In addition, many participants initially feared that they would have to do a lot of homework and that their fellow participants might be conceited, bitchy and unfriendly. They also feared that the teachers would just rattle off the material.

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Computer course with ECDL, Linux and network technology

The ICDL/ECDL belongs in every application folder

The ICDL/ECDL (International/European Computer Driving License) is an international certification program that certifies in-depth knowledge and skills in the use of the most important computer applications. It is recognized worldwide as the benchmark for computer literacy and is currently implemented in 148 countries. Governments, international organizations (e.g. UNESCO), schools and universities as well as numerous large companies require or support ICDL/ECDL certification of their employees. They recognize that a uniform and internationally validated educational standard based on practical requirements ensures the quality of the training and is motivating for the participants.

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