“Do you want to tread the beaten path or create new paths?”

Author unknown

Please also visit our nursing school
ISE Sprach- & Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH

Nursing assistant profession with a future

The 1950s with all its facets were the subject of a journey through time, for which ESF course participants collected a lot of material, for example on the topics of music, fashion, holiday trips abroad (photo), eating habits, furniture, media, contemporary history and advertising. Image: Uschald

On the mountain. (usc) The European Social Fund (ESF) promotes reintegration into the labor market at great financial expense. 22 women and men are currently taking part in a nine-month training course to become nursing assistants at the ISE Language and Education Center in Amberg. There are very good career prospects.

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After two years of studying, I achieved top exam grades

IHK and ISE representatives, teachers and graduates were equally pleased with the good results achieved in the final exam for warehouse logistics specialists. Image: Uschald

On the mountain. (usc) It takes an iron will and great stamina to go back to school for two years at ISE. One woman and three men qualified for a new professional challenge with excellent grades in the final exam to become a warehouse logistics specialist.

The certificate from the IHK confirms that they are fit in the areas of logistical processes, quality assurance and rational goods handling as well as in the subjects of economics and social studies, as was heard at the graduation ceremony. The graduates already have a job or good prospects for one.

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Over 18,000 course participants have been looked after over 30 years

Teachers, representatives of the job center, ISE managing director Peter Blendowski (second from left) and the graduates were equally happy about the successful completion of school after a new month of training as a nursing assistant. Image: Uschald

On the mountain. (usc) They were initially skeptical and unsure whether they could cope with the demands of a nine-month reintegration measure into the labor market. After all, 14 of 17 women completed their training to become nursing assistants at the ISE language and education center in Amberg. The prospects for a permanent job are good, as was heard at the certificate award ceremony.

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Retraining: Two years of studying will be worth it

Not only the graduates (front row), but also the lecturers and ISE managing directors (back row) as well as IHK managing director Johann Schmalzl (back right) and the employment placement team leader at the Amberg agency were happy about the successful completion of the retraining measure to become warehouse logistics specialists for work, Stefanie Bauer (front right). Image: Uschald

On the mountain. (usc) With a good deal of perseverance, six men and two women with the certificate “Skilled in Warehouse Logistics” acquired the “driving license for a second professional life”. They went to school at the ISE educational institute for two years with financial support from the employment agency. Your hard work has paid off because the career opportunities that have now opened up are very good.

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Warehouse logistics graduates are happy about the booming economy

The graduates of the warehouse logistics specialist and warehouse clerk retraining can talk to ISE managing director Peter Blendowski (1st from left) and team leader of the employment agency Manuela Luber (2nd person from right) about their good performance in the IHK final examinations and about look forward to good career prospects.

On the mountain. (usc) The jobs of warehouse logistics specialist or warehouse clerk are no longer a male domain. Current evidence of this came from four women who successfully underwent training for this together with seven men. As a reward for their commitment, they were now able to receive their certificates after two years or 18 months of schooling.

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Cooking event in the professional field of gastronomy – got a taste for it?

Participants in the FOKUS “Career and Work” measure experienced teamwork in the catering sector.

...imparting specialist skills and professional qualifications in the industrial, commercial and nursing sectors... that's the description of the FOKUS measure on our flyer.
The implementation of the mediation takes place in different ways. In the area of ​​gastronomy, insights into the service area, housekeeping and the kitchen were gained.

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Retraining to become a freight forwarding and logistics services clerk (IHK)

If you want to make a difference? Merchant for forwarding and logistics services

If you don't want to spend a boring day at work, but want to make sure that something gets done, then a career as a freight forwarding and logistics services clerk is exactly the right thing for you. The job market prospects for those who complete this retraining are also comparatively excellent.

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Experience the symptoms of aging first hand

The use of the age simulation suit was intended to demonstrate to participants in the training seminar for nursing assistants at the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center how difficult everyday life is for older people when they have physical obstacles. Job center manager Sonja Schleicher (middle, left of seminar leader Thomas Klein) tested fiber gloves while peeling apples. The employment placement team leader, Rainer Liermann (left), familiarized himself with the complete simulation suit. Image: Uschald

On the mountain. (usc) How does it feel when older people's hands shake while writing, when their field of vision is narrow or when peeling apples or climbing stairs is difficult? This can be simulated, as the participants in the training seminar for nursing assistants at the ISE language and vocational training center were able to find out. Representatives of the job center and employment agency also found out more about it, in a self-experiment, so to speak.

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With great perseverance to become a specialist

The certificate from the Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) and the certificate from the ISE language and vocational training center were reward for two years of hard work and perseverance in the warehouse logistics specialist course. In addition to managing directors and lecturers from ISE, representatives from the employment agency and the IHK Regensburg congratulated on the success. In the front row are the best in the course, Heinz Lieske from Sorghof and Brigitte Pfab from Steiningloh. Image: Uschald

On the mountain. (usc) It takes a bit of perseverance and an iron will to go back to school for two years. Six men and one woman persevered and proved in the final exam to become warehouse logistics specialists that they are fit in the areas of logistical processes, quality assurance and rational goods handling as well as economics and social studies.

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Focus on work and work makes you mobile!

Unsere Teilnehmer der derzeit laufenden Maßnahme Fokus „Beruf & Arbeit“ lernen das Leben und Arbeiten in Deutschland immer besser kennen. Derzeit befinden sich vier Teilnehmer im Praktikum. Drei Personen konnten wir bereits dazu verhelfen, eine Arbeitsstelle zu finden. Auch für die anderen Teilnehmer stehen die Chancen gut, Ihren beruflichen Wünschen ein großes Stück näher zu kommen.

The participants with course leader Yvonne Roidl (middle) are in a good mood during their excursion.

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