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Art van Rheyn

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Free training for your employees at ISE!

Innovations in the WeGebAU program!

The ISE Language and Vocational Training Center is a certified training provider and can now also offer free training for your employees! The WeGebAU program makes it possible. You can find out here which requirements must be met, which groups of people the WeGebAU program applies to and which funding you receive!
As part of the second economic stimulus package, the legislature expanded the funding options for employed employees, provided that the employees or the company division from which employees to be trained come are not in the short-time work phase.
Funding under the Federal Employment Agency's WeGeBAU program is still possible for unskilled workers. You can find out more about this by clicking here!


1. WeGebAU for qualified employees
What is new is that the qualifications of employees can also be funded regardless of their age and company size if:

  • the acquisition of the professional qualification (in professions with a training period of at least two years) was at least four years ago AND
  • you have not taken part in further vocational training funded with public funds in the last four years before submitting your application.

2. Special support for temporary employees
Rehired temporary employees can also be qualified if they

  • were employed at a temporary employment agency subject to social security contributions in the period 2007 and 2008 AND
  • end their current unemployment by re-employing them in the same temporary employment agency.

In order to have your employees trained via WeGebAU, the following criteria must be met:

  • Exemption from work to participate in further training
  • Entitlement to wages for the duration of further training
  • The further training takes place outside the company during normal working hours
  • Both the educational provider and the measure are approved (certified) by an expert body for further training funding.

The funding is provided via an education voucher that the employees or you as the employer can apply for from the Federal Employment Agency. With this educational voucher you can choose from various further training offers.

Related Links:
Education voucher
WeGebAU program
Federal Employment Agency

Documents for download:
Overview of funding opportunities under the WeGebAU program, funding levels, groups of people and funding instruments

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