“Life begins outside your comfort zone.”

Neale Donald Walsch

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ISE Sprach- & Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH

WeGebAU funding program

WeGebAU – funded further training for your employees!

Since 2007, the Federal Employment Agencies have launched a funding program for the “further training of low-skilled and employed older workers in companies” – WeGebAU for short.

This program is based on Section 235 c SGB III. The prerequisite for funding is that the employee is unskilled or has not worked in the profession they trained for at least 4 years.

Please understand that we cannot make any binding, generally valid statements about the level of funding under the WeGebAU program. According to the information we have, the Federal Employment Agency supports Amberg

  • Course costs too 100 percent and
  • Wages up to 80 Percent. (This information is non-binding, as of information as of February 2009)

We would be happy to help you check the personal eligibility of your employees and provide you with individual advice!

To contact You us!

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