“You never win alone. The day you believe otherwise, you start losing.”

Mika Pauli Häkkinen

Please also visit our nursing school
ISE Sprach- & Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH

Successful qualification as a nursing assistant in Weiden

Satisfied faces among the participants who have successfully completed their qualification as nursing assistants. Image: ISE

In December 2023, almost 5 million people in Germany were in need of care within the meaning of the Nursing Care Insurance Act (SGB XI), and forecasts predict a further increase in the coming years. This increase is also clearly noticeable in our region, as there are now long waiting lists for inpatient admission in retirement homes. In order to be able to cope with this increase, nursing staff are needed...Skilled workers, nursing assistants and carers, this was mentioned by course leader Mr. Thomas Klein at the beginning of the course launch of the ESF Plus funding campaign 2021-2027 qualification to become a nursing assistant. This course took place successfully for the second time in Weiden between June 19th, 2023 and March 15th, 2024.

At the certificate award ceremony, the managing director of the Amberg educational institution ISE, Ms. Eva Weber, once again referred to the nursing shortage in Germany. “You are needed,” she emphasized in her final speech to the newly qualified nursing graduates.

Peter Witt, managing director of the Weiden-Neustadt job center, was once again pleased with the positive results at the end of this measure. 3 graduates will begin their nursing training as nursing assistants in September, and three participants already have a secure job offer from the local retirement homes. Mr. Witt also emphasized the perseverance of the participants, because the participants lasted nine months and successfully completed their studies.

Ms. Sigrid Vogl (measure supervisor at the Weiden-Neustadt job center) and Mr. Stefan Erndt (team leader at the Weiden-Neustadt job center) have already announced a third measure of this kind for Weiden. This is scheduled to start on October 21, 2024 and interested parties can now contact the job center or the ISE language and vocational training center. Furthermore, an information event for all interested parties is planned for September 13, 2024 in Weiden.

This qualification measure was funded/funded 50% by the European Social Fund (ESF Plus funding campaign 2021 - 2027), 20% from state funds as well as the Weiden-Neustadt job center and the ISE language and vocational training center.

With this certificate in hand and the associated specialist knowledge, a good basis has been created for a secure professional future, because...nursing staff is urgently needed