“Life begins outside your comfort zone.”

Neale Donald Walsch

Please also visit our nursing school
ISE Sprach- & Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH

Qualification in nursing and housekeeping

Counteracting the impending nursing shortage – enormous job opportunities!

Pflegehelfer und hauswirtschaftlicher Helfer/in
Source: S. Hofschlaeger / pixelio.de

Market-oriented thinking implies future-oriented action. Projections and forecasts predict an unprecedented nursing shortage in the coming decades. If one also takes into account the demographic development in Germany, there is an urgent need for action!

As a result, it is urgently necessary to recruit enough qualified helpers in the areas of geriatric care, services and volunteer work for the next 20 - 25 years.

Trained, volunteer helpers should not be in short supply. They will be needed more than ever in the future and may be able to use this route to get into a job subject to social insurance contributions on the primary labor market.


The course participants are taught the skills to carry out nursing and domestic work conscientiously, correctly and economically. You will be sensitized to the resources of the environment and how to use them responsibly.

target group

  • Women and men who want to work as a nursing assistant in an inpatient, day-care, outpatient or other social facility.
  • Women and men who want to see their skills in the domestic sector and work in a professional manner.
  • Women and men who would like to work on a voluntary basis and who will be well equipped professionally and objectively through the course.

The course is a valuable orientation aid and helps participants to gain access to specialist training in nursing and geriatric care or another social care profession.

The successful participant also serves as the best reference for a job in the private household sector.


  • Additional qualification as a carer for people with dementia in accordance with Section 87 Paragraph 3 SGB XI
  • Geriatric and geriatric nursing care
    Aging, health, clinical pictures, patient observation, psychiatric illnesses, Snoezelen, aids, prophylaxis, positioning, motivation, activating care, documentation, hygiene, first aid, volunteer work
  • Lifetime and living space design
    Aging as adaptation, design and employment, help in the event of illness and crises, aids/living space adaptations, new ways of living in old age, supportive/safe environment, financial help
  • Infant care
  • Professional, legal and social studies
    Job profile, organizations, typical professional conflicts, power of attorney, living will
  • Communication
    Language and language use, speaking and listening, writing in everyday professional life, dealing with texts
  • Questions of faith and life
    Basics of ethics, human dignity, problems of ethical action, resolution of conflicts, presentation of the major religions, church and community
  • Housekeeping
    Nutrition, diets, hygiene, budgeting, house and room cleaning, handling laundry, disposal, environmentally friendly work
  • it
    Operating systems, word processing Word, spreadsheet Excel, Sic – industry-specific software for nursing documentation
  • Application training (if necessary)
  • Practical instruction
    Practical instruction takes place regularly in the demonstration room of the on-site geriatric care school.
    – You carry out practical exercises in a technically equipped room under the guidance of the teacher.
    – We prepare you theoretically and practically for work in an internship company.
  • Operating experience
    – During the internship you will put your theoretical and practical knowledge into practice.
    – You can prove yourself in the internship and thus have a chance of being hired.
    – Nursing staff is urgently needed in Germany.

Important information

  • Type of measure: FBW
  • Training facility: ISE Language and Vocational Training Center, Kaiser-Ludwig-Ring 9, 92224 Amberg
  • next course: on request
  • Class times: Monday – Friday: 8:00 a.m. – 3:15 p.m
    (Changes to teaching times possible for part-time employees)
  • Internship: 2 times 4 weeks each
  • Funding options: based on personal suitability
  • Number of participants: minimum 15, maximum 20
  • Information and registration:
    ISE, Schloßgraben 2, 92224 Amberg, Tel. 09621/7868-0
    ISE, Kaiser-Ludwig-Ring 9, 92224 Amberg, Tel. 09621/916086-0
  • www.ise-berufsbildung.de | info@ise-berufsbildung.de
  • Funding: The course has been certified by TÜV Rheinland. If the personal requirements are met, funding can be granted by the job center or the employment agency. Ask your employment agent!

Other important information:

  • The costs of the measures are explained in the training contract. There are no costs for holders of an education voucher.
  • Literature provided as part of the cost of the measure: “Nursing assistants”, Vincenz Verlag
  • Costs for the professional clothing required to carry out the internship will be covered by ISE.
  • Total number of hours is 1,208 (888 teaching hours and 320 internship hours), 1 hour. or 1 hour each includes 45 minutes.
  • In a personal interview with the training provider, the customer's suitability for care, support or housekeeping is determined.
  • The retrainees receive an ISE certificate and a certificate of participation with the detailed course content.

Do you have any questions? Contact us, we're here to assist you!

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