“Life begins outside your comfort zone.”

Neale Donald Walsch

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ISE Sprach- & Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH

Introductory German course for refugees

The introductory German course for refugees takes place in cooperation with the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center Amberg and Sulzbach-Rosenberg with the Kolping Educational Center Amberg and in cooperation with the Employment Agency Amberg and Sulzbach-Rosenberg.

Course content:

Good day. My name is… / Introduction

  • greet someone, say goodbye
  • ask for the name, introduce yourself and others by name
  • ask for and name the country of origin,
    Name languages
  • Alphabet,
    Telephone conversation: to ask for someone
  • Business cards, registration form

My family

  • ask how you are, express your condition
  • Introduce family members
  • State your place of residence and address
  • Numbers: 0 – 20,
    Interview: questions about the person,
    fill out a form
  • working with the map,
    Understand personal information


  • Word field “food”
  • Name things
  • Prices and quantities
  • Numbers: 21 – 100,
    Prices, weights and units of measurement
  • Role play while shopping

My apartment

  • to ask about a place, to name a place
  • describe an apartment/house,
    Express like/displeasure
  • Word field “furniture and electrical appliances”
    Express like/displeasure
    Word field “colors”
  • Numbers: 100 – 1,000,000,
    Apartment advertisements
  • classifieds,
    Telephone conversation: request information, inquire and agree

My day/daily routine

  • Time (unofficial)
  • Express preferences
  • weekdays
  • Daily routine: name activities
  • Signs/answering machine:
    understand opening hours,
    Time (official)

Leisure time

  • Weather / seasons / cardinal directions
  • ask
  • agree, disagree, deny
  • talk about free time and hobbies,
  • Read and write advertisements
  • Weather report

Children and school

  • Express possibilities and abilities
  • express intentions,
    express his will
  • report on events in the past, describe past daily routines
  • talk about past activities,
    Make and reject suggestions
  • Letter to parents
    Telephone calls: sorry due to illness


  • express sensitivities
  • Health word field
  • Make an appointment, visit the doctor

live in Germany

according to interest and needs:

  • intercultural competences
  • Obligations for coexistence in society
  • Key qualifications
  • Working in Germany: application, rights and obligations, rules of conduct at work, taxes and social security
  • School system, training
  • jobs


There are no costs for the language course participant.

The entire course costs are covered by the Federal Employment Agency. The participant's travel costs and costs for teaching and learning materials will be reimbursed by the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center.

(Participants don’t pay for the German course.
You also can get a transport allowance, provided that the distance between your residence and the school is at least 3 kilometers.)


Only foreigners who have a residence permit or a certificate of registration as an asylum seeker (BüMA) when entering the measure and who do not come from a safe country of origin in accordance with Section 29a of the Asylum Act and who have a high probability of remaining are eligible for funding.

The aim of the language course is to impart basic knowledge of the German language. The participant should be able to handle simple everyday situations in German. Participants also gain an insight into German customs and customs.

(Persons who applied for asylum, possess a “Aufenthaltsgestattung” or a “Certificate of registration as an asylum seeker (BüMA)” and come from unsafe states of origin and of whom a legal and permanent residence is to be expected.

Goal of the course is to obtain basic knowledge of German language.)

Training facilities

    in Amberg, Raigeringer Str. 25 b
    in Amberg, Kaiser-Ludwig-Ring 9
    in Sulzbach-Rosenberg, Frommstr. 36

Course details:

  • Duration (duration): 8 weeks (8 weeks)
  • start (start): The exact start of the course will be determined by ISE and Kolping
    (contact ISE or Kolping for further information)
  • Ort (locaction): Amberg oder Sulzbach-Rosenberg
  • lesson times (teaching time): Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 1:15 p.m
    (Monday to Friday from 08:30 am to 1:15 pm)
  • Number of participants (number of students): 15 – 25
  • Registration (registration):
    – ISE: Kaiser-Ludwig-Ring 9, Amberg, Tel. 09621 7868-0, info@ise-berufsbildung.de
    – Kolping: Raigeringer Str. 25 b, Amberg, Tel. 09621 7713-71, maria.karas@kolping-ostbayern.de
  • Contact person (contact person):
    – ISE: Irina Hegel, Nina Korbmacher, Peter Blendowski
    – Kolping: Maria Karas, Norbert Ertl
  • office hours (office hours): Monday to Thursday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m

Here you will receive

Information material to download:

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Prerequisite and GOAL

(conditions FOR participation AND goal)