“Once you have become a master in one thing, you should become a student in a new thing.”

Gerhart Hauptmann

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ISE Sprach- & Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH

Das A&O für Arbeitssuchende

Das ISE Sprach- und Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH bietet auch dieses Jahr allen interessierten förderungsfähigen Teilnehmern die Maßnahme “Das A&O für Arbeitsuchende” an. Die Teilnehmer können sich auf ein interessantes Lehrgangsangebot freuen mit Themen wie Orientierung, Aktivierung und EDV. Abschließend erfolgt ein Betriebspraktikum.

Excerpt from the contents

  • Module 1: Orientation
    Get to know the job market in the region! You will receive an overview of working conditions and requirements in industrial and commercial professions, as well as in professions in the service sectors.
  • Module 2: Activation
    After an analysis of strengths and weaknesses, your professional suitability will be determined.
    During application training, your qualifications (employment references, certificates, etc.) will be checked and your personal application documents updated.
    Preparation and follow-up of applications are just as important as personal initiative and motivation in finding a job. Correctly assessing individual opportunities on the job market is often not very easy. Our experienced employment agents and coaches will help you here!
  • Module 3: EDV
    Word 2016 and optionally Excel 2016
  • Module 4: Internship

Important information

  • Type of measure: training measure
  • Target group: Customers of the Federal Employment Agency
  • Dates, course location and lesson times
    • Deadline: 08.03.2021 – 01.04.2021
    • Course location: ISE training center, Kaiser-Ludwig-Ring 9, 92224 Amberg,
    • Class times: Mon – Fri 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m
  • Number of participants: minimum 10, maximum 20
  • Contact persons: Carina Luber, Mr. Peter Blendowski, Richard Kirschner

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