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Boris Grundl

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ISE successful further training

ISE course in warehouse and logistics completed

Another warehousing and logistics course at the ISE language and vocational training center in Amberg ended in mid-January 2010. What was particularly pleasing about this course was the great interest shown by the course participants in the different teaching content, which ranged from imparting knowledge in the area of ​​warehouse logistics to IT content and preparation for the driving license test for forklift trucks. All course participants worked attentively and concentratedly in class and developed enormous cohesion within the class.

ISE at Loxxess

The Ebermannsdorf company Loxxess has been a fixture for many years now when it comes to practical teaching content for the warehouse and logistics courses at the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center. In this course, too, the practical knowledge transfer took place at Loxxess, and the course participants had the opportunity to put their theoretically acquired knowledge directly into practice. The course participants benefited from the fact that all course participants successfully passed the forklift driving license test.

Successes with the ISE employment agency

Some course participants found work during the course with the support of the ISE employment agency. Given the economic situation, hiring in the warehouse and logistics sector has declined sharply. So I’m even happier about this? said Ms. Deckert, leader of this course. In order to improve the job market opportunities of the remaining course participants, extensive application training was carried out during the course. The course leader hopes that this, the technically sound knowledge and the freshly imparted, job-related language skills in German and English will lead to further employment opportunities.

Congratulations to all course participants from the entire ISE team.

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