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Morihei Ueshiba

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ISE Sprach- & Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH

ISE carers shine

ISE Betreuungskräfte im Heilig-Geist-StiftA year ago, ISE Sprach- und Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH carried out the first qualification for carers in accordance with Section 87 SGB XI. At this point in time, many nursing homes did not yet agree to this innovation or were still in negotiations with the nursing care insurance companies about who should pay for the care staff. Ms. Daubert-Siegler, head of nursing services at the Heilig-Geist-Stift senior center, took an early interest in the graduates of the first course. Despite initially poor forecasts, the Bürgerspitalstiftung was one of the first to hire two carers per care facility. Half a year has passed since then. Reason for the management of the ISE and the course leader at the time to seek a conversation with Ms. Daubert-Siegler.

ISE: Ms. Daubert-Siegler, carers have been employed in your company since May 2009. How were the care staff received by the residents?

Ms. Daubert-Siegler: First of all, I would like to tell you that I am very pleased that you are inquiring about our previous experiences with the care assistants you have trained. I would like to inform you that Ms. Mazur and Ms. Golcer have become an integral part of our daily care work. Both have won the hearts of the residents with a high level of commitment, empathy and, last but not least, their friendly, even loving nature.

ISE: How do caregivers relieve the burden on nursing staff?

Ms. Daubert-Siegler: The additional and regular care made it possible to optimize the daily structure, including so-called wellness offers, such as hand and foot massages. Taking walks together in the fresh air promotes well-being and health and at the same time increases the appetite of our residents. Now, in the cold season, the living areas are filled with the smell of fresh cookies and waffles that our two care workers bake together with the residents. Ms. Mazur and Ms. Golcer also provide relief for the nursing staff through “just being there,” having the time to sit with someone, hold their hand and chat. In doing so, they give our residents a special feeling of Security and human closeness.

ISE: All of these are things for which you cannot provide trained nurses because it would not be affordable. This is also known to the general public. Were the two carers also able to contribute to improving the health of the residents?

Ms. Daubert-Siegler: I think so. For example, some of our seniors in need of serious care appear more awake and respond better to being spoken to since being looked after by our carers.

ISE: Before we hired the carers, there were still some uncertainties about how it would be financed. This meant that a large number of applications and forms had to be dealt with before employment could be made. Would you say today that the effort was worth it?

Ms. Daubert-Siegler: As already mentioned at the beginning, Ms. Mazur and Ms. Golcer have become an integral part of our everyday care routine. What are a few applications when we can now experience how good the care work is for the people who have entrusted themselves to us.

ISE: Does that mean you think the introduction of carers by the legislature is good?

Ms. Daubert-Siegler: Yes, and allow me at this point to send a warm “God bless you” to the legislature, the ISE and all the authorities involved on behalf of our employees and certainly on behalf of all those affected.

ISE: You rate this new law highly. Why?

Ms. Daubert-Siegler: This decision paid particular attention to people who can no longer fight for their own rights. I think our seniors deserve that too.

ISE: Ms. Daubert-Siegler, thank you very much for taking time out of your busy schedule for our conversation. ♦ Max Schobert, Anna Paschall

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