“The most beautiful stories begin with courage.”

Author unknown

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ISE Sprach- & Berufsbildungszentrum GmbH

Home schooling – lessons take place in digital teaching format

Due to the current exceptional situation regarding the corona pandemic, face-to-face teaching is currently suspended in our educational institution. Like everywhere else in our country, this situation came to us at very short notice.

Currently, almost all of our participants are provided with teaching material via the in-house educational server of the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center in Amberg or via other media (e-mail, Skype, etc.). Despite home schooling and home office, we are in daily communication and offer support with learning wherever possible. We are proud of everyone who is helping to make the best of this situation and would like to express our thanks to the committed lecturers and staff at ISE and, of course, especially to our course participants, who are so disciplined and conscientious about what they do.

Nevertheless, we miss 'life in the booth'; direct contact simply cannot be replaced so easily. In a few weeks we will see each other again, we will understand our world differently, we may also see things a little differently - and we will then set off together into the time after the 2020 pandemic.

Until then: take care of yourself and stay at home. And above all, stay healthy!