A very happy event, especially in view of the predominantly excellent examination results, was the awarding of the final certificates in the qualification to become an accounting specialist, which took place in Amberg through the cooperation of the educational providers ISE Language and Vocational Training Center and CDT Nuremberg. During the approximately seven months, the participants were trained very intensively in the disciplines of accounting, financial accounting with the industry software DATEV and Lexware and financial accounting with SAP R/3. With the ISE/CDT certificate, participants receive further proof of qualifications for their application documents. Some participants have already been able to sign an employment contract.
At a small ceremony, the deputy managing director of the ISE Language and Vocational Training Center Roland Domogalla not only welcomed the successful graduates of the qualification as an accounting specialist, but also the training manager Angela Scheibeck and the course supervisor from the employment agency, Sabine Grillmayer. Roland Domogalla gave the participants special praise for their perseverance and willingness to learn - Domogalla also gave special thanks to Angela Scheibeck, who did more than usual to make even the weaker participants fit for the exams. “It was a privilege to be able to learn something. Not everyone has this opportunity!” continues Roland Domogalla. In his welcoming speech, he pointed out that things are no longer like they used to be, when people stayed in the same company from training to retirement. “Nowadays, lifelong learning is an essential prerequisite for securing long-term opportunities on the labor market,” Domogalla continued.

In addition, the very hard-working participants in the qualification also received great praise and recognition for their good to very good performance from Sabine Grillmayer, course leader Angela Scheibeck and employment agent Helmut Albrecht. The representative of the employment agency and the employees of the ISE language and vocational training center congratulated on this great success and wished the graduates all the best for the future.
Nine participants from the Amberg-Sulzbach area now received the coveted proof of qualification for their services. As course director Angela Scheibeck stated, an excellent average grade was achieved. This is mainly due to the hard work of the participants. As ISE internship and employment agent Helmut Albrecht emphasized, several employment relationships have already been entered into and further employment contracts are imminent.
At the beginning of the course, the participants are also prepared for accounting and especially bookkeeping in theoretical and practical teaching units. The focus of this training was on the qualification of participants in the various areas of accounting, supplemented by practical work with the leading industry programs (LEXWARE, DATEV, SAP R/3). The qualification was carried out in collaboration with Control Data Training GmbH (Nuremberg).
The qualification to become an accounting specialist began for the nine participants on November 5th, 2018. The first day was - as so often - associated with mixed feelings among the participants... Will I be able to cope with the challenges, what colleagues do I have, will we be adequately prepared for the exam, will I even understand everything? However, it soon became clear that intensive learning was possible with the relatively small group in the family-like teaching atmosphere. Of course, it should not be forgotten that no questions were left unanswered thanks to the intensive support from the course leader, Angela Scheibeck. Lecturer A. Scheibeck was happy to forego the occasional break in order to adequately answer some specific questions. The good discipline of the participants, who followed the course of the lesson with great concentration and completed the many tasks correctly without complaining, is also very commendable. In this part-time course there was a strong willingness to help between the participants. People were happy to help their neighbors if they didn't know what to do.
After six months of theory, the participants were able to prove themselves in the internship. Suggestions could be made to the ISE internship supervisor Helmut Albrecht as to which company they would like to complete the practical part of the qualification in. Mr. Albrecht took a lot of time in individual discussions to take the personal interests of the participants into account. Due to the high level of commitment of the participants and the good specialist knowledge, the ISE received very positive feedback from the internship companies, which is certainly not a given.
For the report
Richard Kirschner