Unsere Teilnehmer der derzeit laufenden Maßnahme Fokus „Beruf & Arbeit“ lernen das Leben und Arbeiten in Deutschland immer besser kennen. Derzeit befinden sich vier Teilnehmer im Praktikum. Drei Personen konnten wir bereits dazu verhelfen, eine Arbeitsstelle zu finden. Auch für die anderen Teilnehmer stehen die Chancen gut, Ihren beruflichen Wünschen ein großes Stück näher zu kommen.

On a sunny spring day, the group visited a temporary employment agency with their lecturer to introduce themselves and get to know how they work there. After filling out the application form, we went to the Amberger Zeitung. Everyone could take a copy of the OWZ with them. Participants are now informed that this brochure is available free of charge and contains job offers! In addition to strengthening the community, this excursion allowed us to visit some highlights of Amberg city center, such as the Eh'häusl. The participants listened excitedly to Yvonne Roidl's explanations about the historical monuments of the city of Amberg.
Further company visits are already planned for next week. The program includes a regional agricultural company and a local system supplier.
The varied and exciting course program met with great response from the participants. Further positive news regarding learning success and employment can be expected.
The ISE Language and Vocational Training Center Amberg wishes the participants continued successful participation in the course.