The aim of the job center, employment agency and the ISE language and vocational training center in Amberg was to remedy the staff shortage. This special retraining offer was aimed at job seekers, especially people with a migration background and refugees.
The participants in the retraining came from Germany, Brazil, China, Philippines, Kazakhstan, Eritrea and Iraq. As was heard at the certificate award ceremony, the significant restrictions in times of Corona placed great demands on retrainees and teachers.
The retraining, led by Katharina Jancsik, lasted 16 months. This included 1,920 teaching units and 400 units of in-company internships. An IHK qualification as a specialist in the hospitality industry offers extensive employment opportunities, especially in catering establishments, in the hotel and leisure industry, in the healthcare sector, for example in rehabilitation clinics with a restaurant area or in retail companies with attached restaurants.
At the certificate award ceremony, ISE Managing Director Richard Kirschner emphasized that good training opens the door to the world of work. Kirschner encouraged the graduates, seven of whom were women and one man, to take advantage of further training opportunities. Stefanie Neufeld, branch manager of the Amberg employment agency, Rainer Liermann, team leader for employment services at the AM-AS job center and lecturer Alexandra Blößl congratulated on the successful completion.